“Please, just go,” Hallie choked out to them. “I’ll call you later.”

The blonde looked like she intended to argue, until the redhead tugged on her arm and drew her away.

Standing alone with Cristiano in the crowded lobby of his flagship hotel, Hallie took a deep breath. “I can explain.”

Cristiano looked back down at the baby. A baby with dark eyes exactly like his own. Suddenly he knew exactly why Hallie had come here today. And exactly why she’d changed her mind.

He controlled his voice with effort. “You have a baby.”

She bit her lip. “Yes.”

He lifted his cold gaze to hers. “Who is the father?”

Hallie said pleadingly, “Please, Cristiano, don’t...”

“Who, damn you.”

She flinched. When she spoke, her voice could barely be heard over the noise of the lobby. “You.”

That single word exploded through him like a grenade.

He had a child?

Heart pounding, Cristiano looked at the tiny, yawning baby. Emotions rose,

choking him. Savagely repressing his feelings, he looked at her.

“You are sure?” he said flatly.

“Yes,” Hallie replied in the same tone. “You know I was a virgin when—”

“I know,” he bit out. “But perhaps after...”

“You think I rushed into bed with someone else after that?” Her expression tightened. “You are the only man I’ve ever been with. Jack is your son.”

He had a child? A son?

His name was Jack?

Cristiano’s throat tightened. “Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?”

“I tried.” Hallie’s beautiful caramel-brown eyes narrowed. “I left two messages with your secretary.”

Cristiano hadn’t gotten those messages because he’d told his secretary never to tell him if Hallie called.

But he didn’t want to hear reasons he might be at fault. He wanted to blame only her. “We used protection,” he said accusingly. “How did this happen?”

She raised her eyebrows. “You are the one with all the experience. You tell me.”

He ground his teeth. “You should have tried harder to contact me.”

“After the way you treated me,” she said, “I shouldn’t have tried at all. Why give you the chance to reject our baby like you rejected me?”

His shoulders tightened as her shot hit home.

“So you were just going to walk out of here tonight.” His voice had a hard edge. His throat felt raw. “Once you had my check, you had no reason to tell me about my child. You were going to keep him a secret from me for the rest of my life, weren’t you?”

Not meeting his eyes, Hallie gave an unsteady nod.