‘Yes, I tried,’ he said, turning his face towards hers. ‘I’ve had a team of investigators working on it and every avenue they’ve explored, they’ve come up with a blank. Bu

t we will find him, Emily. Of that I am certain.’ His voice grew husky. ‘But now, can we talk of other things? Because I have something I need to do.’

Emily blinked as he got out of bed and fished around in the pocket of his jacket and pulled out another leather box—this one much less battered than the one which had belonged to her mother. And then he was getting down on one knee and prising open the lid and there, sitting on a bed of dark velvet, reposed a huge sapphire, surrounded by a glittering oval of diamonds. It was as if he had captured the dark ocean and poured it into the sparkling gem which almost blinded her.

‘What’s this?’ she breathed.

‘Your engagement ring.’

‘But I’ve already got one. The yellow diamond?’

‘Which I told you to choose from the internet,’ he agreed darkly, as he slid the ring onto her trembling finger. ‘Bad karma. So I picked this ring myself—mainly because the sapphire matches your beautiful eyes and because the diamonds are as bright as your spirit.’

It sat snugly on her finger but Emily paid it little heed for her attention was drawn by the far more beautiful image of the man who was kneeling before her. ‘Oh, Alej,’ she breathed, tugging at his shoulders to drag him back into bed, so that she could put her arms tightly around his neck and hug him. ‘I love it, but not nearly as much as I love you—and if you don’t kiss me very quickly I think I’m going to explode!’


‘AND I AM very proud to declare this riding centre open,’ Emily said. Her Spanish was now almost fluent again—but she guessed that was the beauty of having undergone an intensive course to brush up on the beautiful language she’d once excelled at.

There was a thunder of applause as the great and the good of Argentina greeted her declaration with prolonged applause and the children in the front few rows wriggled impatiently, eager to get out and start riding some of the fine horses which were waiting for them in the stables. Emily smiled as she sat down in her chair in the front row and waited for her husband to speak.

Today was the official opening of the riding school for disadvantaged children which she and Alej had established—right next to his brand-new polo school, which was situated just outside Buenos Aires. It was probably the single most rewarding thing Emily had ever been involved with and when she’d mentioned this to Alej, he’d told her he felt exactly the same. In fact, he was planning to involve himself with both schemes on a fairly regular basis, allowing his business empire to be run by the top people he had on his payroll, until the day came when he had a son or daughter of his own to take over when the time came, if they wanted to.

‘You were great today,’ Alej murmured once the celebrations were finally concluded and they were settled in the car which was taking them home.

Emily looked across at him, and smiled, thinking how stunning he looked in that charcoal-grey suit, with the top two buttons of his shirt undone to reveal a glimpse of olive skin.

‘So were you,’ she breathed.

‘Querida, do you think we’ll ever get bored with this mutual lovefest?’ he drawled.

A glow of satisfaction rippled through her as she shook her head. ‘Not in this lifetime.’

They were heading for Alej’s estancia, to that simple stone-and-wood building by green pastures and a silver river, which had felt like home from the first time she’d seen it and still did. They had settled in Argentina as soon as they could, after the night Alej had turned up in London—wet from the rain and his face filled with something like vulnerability—before declaring his love for her. Emily had sold her small apartment and given the proceeds to the new riding school, so that it was as much her venture as Alej’s. She’d also sold her share in the business to Sophie, who was proving a super-efficient replacement.

‘A little too efficient,’ Emily had confided ruefully to Marybeth, just before she’d left for her new life. ‘You won’t miss me at all.’

‘Oh, I’ll miss you, all right,’ Marybeth had said, her voice sounding suddenly choked. ‘But I’m coming out to stay with you after Christmas, don’t forget.’

‘As if. I’m laying on some Argentinian hunks specially for you!’

With Alej’s arm around her shoulders, the journey to the estancia was smooth and surprisingly fast and once they had dismissed the chauffeur, it was just the two of them—with a free evening ahead. And once she’d been outside to check on Joya, Emily returned happily to the house.

‘What shall we do now?’ she questioned.

‘Guess,’ said Alej softly as he began to unbutton her dress.

She nuzzled at his neck and nipped the lobe of his ear like a tiny animal and he laughed and carried her upstairs, despite her protests. ‘You won’t always be able to carry me, you know!’ she exclaimed as he proceeded to lay her down on the bed.

‘Yes, I will,’ he vowed as he continued to undress her.

Emily didn’t bother correcting him. At least, not then, when she was so involved in helping him out of his own clothes, and her heart was thundering by the time she felt his naked skin against hers. But as he stroked her body with his usual rapt and detailed fascination, his fingers halted in their slow circumference of her breast, and he frowned.

‘Something is different about you, querida.’

Did he know her so well? She guessed he did. But she simply smiled and said nothing.

His brow creased with concentration as his fingertip circled the other breast. ‘Are you?’ he persisted, and the expression on his face when she nodded was one she would carry in her heart for the rest of her days.