t acknowledged that S.E.C.R.E.T. was a place that helped, even healed, not just women, but men as well.

I gathered up Will’s photo in my hand.

“Matilda. Everyone … I won’t, I can’t offer any objections to this recruit. This recruit is, in fact, ideal for S.E.C.R.E.T. He’s a good man. He’s incredibly sexy. He is an amazing lover. And he truly adores women. So if there are no other concerns, then I see no reason to prevent moving this to a vote. You have mine.”

“Wonderful. I knew you’d see reason. Any other objections? Can I get a vote?” Matilda said.

One by one, hands shot up in a counterclockwise display of yes.

“Great. We will move forward with this recruit,” Matilda said.

That wave of nausea had barely subsided when another potent question surfaced, this time from Pauline.

“Who’s going to train Will?”

The room fell silent again.

“Any suggestions?” Matilda asked.

Crazy how a good idea can quickly become a bad one. Angela’s hand rose. Of course she would volunteer! And Will would find out what great sex really was! My blood roiled beneath the surface of my skin.

“Um,” said Angela, “I would like to excuse myself from volunteering.”

What? Did I hear her correctly?

“Why is that, Angela?” Matilda asked.

“Well, like, I know Will. And also, because … Cassie.” She winced.

“I can’t do it either!” Kit blurted.

“Me neither!” said Michelle, Brenda adding, “I really can’t.”

Maria, Pauline and Amani’s tight expressions said everything.

“So, let me get this straight,” Matilda said. “We all agree Will is a perfect recruit. We are overwhelmingly unanimous on that front. And yet no one wants to train him?”

More silence. I felt my nails dig into the tops of my thighs. Were they exhibiting loyalty or fear?

“Well, in that case, I guess we can’t go forward with—”

“I will!” I said, a little too loudly. “I’ll do it. I’ll train him.”

Matilda looked at me. “Pardon me?”

“I can do it, Matilda,” I said.

Matilda glanced around the table once more. Everyone had turned into owls, sitting still, eyes wide.

“Will might object, Cassie.”

“I’ll deal with that then.”

Matilda eyed me carefully. “You can’t keep him, Cassie. After you train him, you have to let him go.”

“I know. I’ve done it before. I can do it again.”

Matilda sighed. “Okay then. Will Foret is our unanimous choice. And Cassie Robichaud will be his trainer. We’ll discuss the scenario at a later date,” she said, placing the folder back into her bag.