“Oh,” I said, getting up to gather my belongings. “What do you have to do at nine? Another girl? Haha.”

“I’m helping out tonight. With S.E.C.R.E.T.”

“Oh,” I said. “I was kidding.”

My entire center dropped out as I took in what this meant. Solange. He was “helping out” with the new candidate. He was going to have sex with Solange. Oh, this did not feel good at all. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

“Relax,” Jesse yelled from the washroom, reading my mind. He shut off

the taps. “I’m not the main attraction.”

What did that mean? A few seconds later, he brought his naked, dripping body back to the bedroom. He hurriedly plucked his jeans off the floor and threw them on commando-style.

“Can you drive me to the French Quarter, Cass? That’s where it’s happening. You can take my truck home. I’ll cab it after.”

“I’m not going to drive you to your fantasy! We just fucked!”

And there it was, my Jealous Girlfriend Voice.

“Whoa! Calm down, Cassie. I would not have sex with you and a S.E.C.R.E.T. candidate on the same day. I’m not that much of a tacky fucking asshole. Tonight’s just a quick walk-on role. I’m just facilitating. Like I said, I’m not the main attraction.”

I was afraid to open my mouth.

“I knew this was too complicated,” he said. “Maybe we need to stick to being buddies.”

“No. It’s okay. I’m cool,” I said, shrugging on my T-shirt. My stomach grumbled so loudly we both noticed.

“You need food. That’s why you’re cranky,” he said. “If I dress in the truck we’ll have time for a quick bite. Come. Please?”

He was offering a truce and I wanted to prove I could handle this, both of us being in S.E.C.R.E.T., both of us enjoying each other sexually without having to get all possessive about it. I shook off my own doubts and negativity and took the keys he dangled in front of me.

I drove into the French Quarter while he slapped on what looked like some kind of security guard costume.

“Well, I guess I know what your role is going to be,” I said.

“Ha,” he said, adjusting the belt. “Even if I were the main fantasy man, I doubt she’d accept the Step. I look like a fucking dork.”

After I parked near Jackson Square, we walked over to a loud line of food trucks and each ordered a couple of creole-style rotis. We found seats in front of Stanley’s. I told myself we would be okay. We had just had an off night.

“The fantasy’s going to happen here? It’s pretty crowded,” I said, prompting him.

“That’s part of it. Being in public. Crowds,” he said, thoughtfully looking around and chomping his food.

He wasn’t giving me much. “Huh. I had one of those. A public sex fantasy.”

“How did it go?”

“It happened at Halo. At the bar. While the band was playing.”

“Oooh. Details please.”

I felt a surge of pride. I would have spilled the story then and there, but shit-fuck I spotted none other than Solange Faraday making her hurried way through the crowds towards the old military museum at the end of the square.

“Jesse,” I hissed, using my body to block Solange’s view of him. “We have to go. Now.”

I grabbed his sleeve and pulled him low, his face in front of mine.

“What’s going on?”