“He’s kind of hard to miss,” I said. “Do you know him?”

“We’re in the process of recruiting him. Angela was supposed to be my wing girl today. That task has now fallen to you.”


“Get the ball!” Matilda screamed. “Honey, I know what you’re thinking regarding Jesse. You can’t have Will, and you don’t want this young fella, so you’re looking for a little something in the middle. That’s okay. But I’m not sure pulling Jesse off the roster is a great idea. Besides, I have a special trip I’d like you to go on. You know we have to auction off Red Rage?”

“The painting in the Coach House?”

“That’s right. We’ve decided to auction it off in Buenos Aires, in Carolina’s home country. We think we can get the best price there, since there are only two paintings left. We need you to accompany the painting and represent our … consortium. You don’t have to take any photos or answer any questions. You’ll just put on a cute dress and sign a transfer of sale certificate.”

Wow, Buenos Aires. The last trip I had taken was to Canada, where I had my ski instructor fantasy. I was due for a vacation … but with Tracina pregnant and Dell so old, it just wasn’t possible.

“I wish I could, but leaving Will right now … it would devastate the Café.”

“You really care about him, don’t you.”

Before I could answer, a runaway ball rolled close to our bench, followed by the guy Matilda had had her eye on. She smiled at him.

“Hey. Are you our coach now? Or just the ref?” he asked Matilda, breathless from running.

“You guys could use both,” Matilda teased, tilting her head up to get a better look at his face over the brim of her hat. “What’s your name?”

“Dominic. Yours?”

“Matilda Greene. This here’s my friend Cassie.”

“You guys soccer fans?”

“No,” Matilda said.

Dominic laughed while one of his opponents razzed him to put the ball back in play.

“Don’t go anywhere, Matilda Greene,” he yelled, running backwards and folding into the play.

Every few seconds he’d glance over to make sure she was still there.

I was awestruck.

“How did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Get the hottest guy in the park to come over and talk to you. Women half your age couldn’t pull that off.”

She shrugged, her eyes still on him.

“I singled him out. Separated him from his pack. Everyone recruits differently. But this is my method.”

Dominic broke away with the ball again, heading fast to the other side of the pitch. “Go! Go! Go!”

“Are we recruiting right now?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact. We’re down one since we dropped Pierre. That’s why I’m reluctant to give you Jesse. Did you spot a wedding ring on our Dominic?”

“I wasn’t looking.”

“That’s the first thing you have to look for.”