“Speaking of sex,” Kit said. “Matilda said I could invite whoever I want for Dominic’s threesome.” She was going to be one of the soccer player’s trainers. “What about you, Cassie? You game?”

She knew the answer before I even opened my mouth.

“Kidding. By the way, how’s Jesse? Is it love?”

I knew they knew I had pulled Jesse out. But we hadn’t discussed it yet.

“We’re just testing the waters,” I said, shrugging like it was no big thing. “I have no expectations.”

Kit and Angela exchanged yeah right glances.

“Will you stay in S.E.C.R.E.T. while said waters are being tested?” Kit asked.

“We’re not there yet,” I said.

“I always regret not doing that ‘drive fantasy’ with Jesse after we recruited him,” Angela said, popping an icing-covered finger in her mouth. “He’s a speed freak, you know. Not speed the drug, speed as in going fast. Weren’t we lining him up to take Dauphine in a convertible somewhere through the desert? Was it Sedona? Little weekend trip? She did so well with that pilot, we thought that would be fun, but, alas … Cassie wants him all to herself.”

“Who trained Jesse?” I asked as casually as possible.

“Pauline freshened up his oral skills. I remember because I got to watch. That was hot,” said Angela, shaking her hand like it just got singed. “And then I think … Didn’t Matilda practice bondage on that boy?”

A hot wave flashed through me. Ouch. What was that? Jealousy? No, something different, deeper. Whatever that was, it stung, and I quickly camouflaged the effects the news had on me.

“Jesse’s a favorite of Matilda’s. She was even looking to change the rules to keep him longer than three turns. Until you pulled him. Sigh.”

Matilda and Jesse. Why didn’t she ever mention that to me? Maybe that’s why she was always so hesitant to discuss pulling Jesse out of S.E.C.R.E.T., even way back, when he was my Step Three fantasy and I had thoughts of stopping and getting off the ride. She convinced me not to. She convinced me to stay. As for bondage, again, why was I so surprised? Of course she’d still train male recruits. Why wouldn’t she? Why shouldn’t she? She’s still gorgeous, still sexy. God, when would that magnanimity kick in, the confidence, the kind that Angela and Kit had? I felt like such a fucking schoolgirl, with so much still to learn.

“Matilda’s got some plans to train Dominic now. Apparently, he likes to rock climb. Likes getting all trussed up.”

“Ooh, I like the sound of that,” Angela said.

“Bernice put her name in for Dominic,” said Kit. “He also likes black and curvy.”

“That’s not fair. I’m black!”

“You ain’t curvy.”

“But I wasn’t even offered—”

“Hey, girls!”

Tracina snuck in through the side door, accompanied by her fifteen-year-old brother, Trey. He was a nice kid, but because of his autism it was difficult for him to play with his peers. Still, Tracina had begun to make more of an effort to involve him in adult social activities, and sometimes Will let him help upstairs to keep him busy, when coloring books stopped working.

“Who likes curvy black girls?” she asked. “’Cause that’s all I am, just a big ol’ curve!”

“New bartender at Maison I got my eye on,” Angela said. “Did you two walk here?”

“Yup, Trey was my big helper. Baby, go play with Boots. Girls gotta talk.”

Angela patted around on top of the fridge. “Here’s the remote for the TV,” she said, tossing it to Trey. “You remember how to use it, right?”

He nodded and headed to the bedroom, then Angela launched into big-sister mode.

“You’re gonna have a baby in less than three weeks and you walked here? Will’s gonna get a kick right in the middle of his skinny white ass.”

“I told him I wanted to walk. And Trey needs more exercise too. Will knows to pick us up—and all the presents,” she said, shaking her behind in joy.

I watched the three of them, Kit, Angela and Tracina, gauging their level of intimacy. Did Tracina know about S.E.C.R.E.T., or had they kept it from her? It was impossible to tell.