He showed her the historic centre of his town, its cobbled streets with their belle époque architecture. He led her into El Ateneo—once a theatre, now one of the most beautiful bookshops in the world.

‘I thought this might particularly interest you,’ he explained, standing behind her with his hands folded behind his back. ‘It was once a theatre where they danced the tango, but tastes changed in the early twentieth century. A local businessman siphoned in the funds to turn it into what you see now.’

She looked up into the domed ceiling. ‘What an amazing thing to do—it’s like a jewel box for books.’ She looked up at him. ‘I don’t know what would have happened to the club if Khaled hadn’t come along. I still shudder to think of the theatre coming down under a wrecking ball if anyone else had been in charge. But, between you and me, I think I would rather like L’Oiseau Bleu to become a bookshop. Only don’t tell Gigi.’

‘You’d be out of a job.’

‘I wouldn’t mind so much.’ She drifted towards an aisle of books, taking down some volumes on theatre costume.

She wouldn’t?

‘This is what you’re interested in?’ he asked over her shoulder, inhaling the gorgeous violet scent of her.

Lulu nodded. ‘I’ve always spent my free time at the theatre hanging around the costumiers. I find it fascinating.’ She closed the book and he took it out of her hands to re-shelve it. She turned up her face. ‘Actually, I’m starting a part-time degree in costume design.’ She hesitated, then confided, ‘You’re the first person I’ve told.’

Alejandro could see how much it meant to her by the way she searched his face, as if wanting approval.

‘That’s amazing, Lulu.’

She smiled almost shyly back at him and he had to fight the urge not to kiss her. Then her smile faded and he wondered what she was thinking.

Lulu was trying to picture herself hugely pregnant in front of a sewing machine. She guessed it could be done—other women did it all the time. But she wouldn’t be able to work. She would have to rely on…Alejandro. After all her efforts to prise herself lose from her parents she would be back where she started.

‘How are you going to fit it in with your showgirl gig?’

Lulu suspected he was implying that working nights and studying during the day wouldn’t really be her problem any more if she was pregnant.

He clearly wanted to go down that road, so she made herself smile at him and pretend nothing was the matter.

Alejandro saw the light and shadow flickering over Lulu’s face. Right now he was struggling to imagine her in a revu

e. He’d seen the Folies Bergère, and what he remembered was sparkles and bare behinds and jiggling bare breasts.

At the time he’d appreciated it.

Thinking about Lulu that way—in front of an audience of men—just made him hot under the collar.

It also didn’t fit with the private, modest girl he knew. The girl who had covered her breasts the first time he took off her bra. He blew out a breath. He really didn’t need to be thinking about that now.

Instead he looked down at her neat little outfit, at the thirties-style wide-legged green trousers and the cute little cream blouse. She’d changed on the plane en route from Heathrow to Buenos Aires. He found it sexy, but she did also look as if she might be on her way to do the school pick-up—if she was Norma Shearer.

Putting Norma aside, thinking about Lulu as a young mother wasn’t a stretch.

Not that any of that was going to happen.

‘Well, I dance six nights a week, so there’s time during the day when I can go to college. Just about.’

‘You dance six nights a week?’

‘Being a dancer isn’t for the faint-hearted,’ Lulu replied, clearly relishing proof of her hard work.

He remembered the quick assessment he’d made of her as being spoilt and helpless. He’d been so wide of the mark it made him wonder afresh at his misreading of her. He also acknowledged for the first time what a huge impact pregnancy would have on Lulu’s plans.

He raked a hand through his hair. ‘I’m sorry, querida.’

‘Sorry? For what?’

‘This situation we find ourselves in. I should have taken better care of you.’