Alejandro remembered what he’d said to her in anger and his conscience did something unfamiliar. It kicked.

‘I love the sounds you make,’ he said huskily, gently stroking the curve of her cheek.

A little smile trembled at the corners of her mouth. It was the sweetest thing.

He cleared his throat. ‘How about we go on seeing one another?’

‘You mean for this weekend?’

He’d never known a girl so keen to finish something before it even began. In the past she would have been exactly his type of woman. But he didn’t want that this time. He wanted more.

‘Let’s play it by ear.’ He knew her well enough now not to push her. ‘I know I’m not ready to give this up just yet…’ He swiped her lower lip gently with his thumb. ‘That was incredible.’

‘I want to,’ she began, ‘but—’

‘Lulu,’ he interrupted gently, ‘stop making something simple complicated.’

Ouf! Lulu’s heart sank. If only it was simple.

Seen from his point of view, she knew she was behaving absurdly. But the more time she spent with him the higher the likelihood he would work her out. Find out what a little freak she really was.

Still, it was only forty-eight hours…she’d just have to keep him away from her mother.

‘Is that a yes?’

Alejandro watched Lulu’s pensive expression grow softer and felt that unfamiliar kick to his chest. What was it about this girl that undid all his certainties?

‘Oui,’ she said, and Alejandro was astonished at the feeling that seized him—it was like scoring a goal under pressure.

Then she turned her head, as if listening for something, and froze. It took him another moment to recognise that there were voices coming down the hall.

Lulu began pulling up her bodice, covering those plump raspberry-tipped breasts he loved, and she looked so adorably dishevelled he knew he had no intention of letting her spend the night with a gaggle of girls.

She would spend every night of this weekend with him.

Alejandro was about to tell her he’d locked the door when she pressed her hand to his mouth and with a sweet look whispered, ‘I’m so glad you’ll be partnering me at the wedding. I’ll see you tomorrow.’

And with those frustrating words she slipped away.

Partnering her at the wedding?

He briefly shut his eyes. Idiota! This had just got complicated.

He was about to go after her—only when he looked down to deal with the condom time stood still for the second occasion on that day.

Thoughts about negotiating with Lulu over the reality that he already had a date for the wedding—someone who was arriving tomorrow morning—evaporated.

He had a bigger problem.

It had split. The latex had split.


AS LULU DRESSED for the big day it hit her that she actually had a date for the wedding.

She hadn’t thought she minded being the only bridesmaid without a partner. Clearly deep down she did.

But it was more than that. She’d taken a big step forward, and the fact that she’d come this far with Alejandro was simply astonishing to her.