When I continue staring, she groans, “Fine, coming, coming.” She pauses and wraps the sheet around her tits protectively. “Not that type of coming. Don’t even think about it, Ash. I mean it.”

Fuck me.

I love this side of her a bit too much. That’s why a part of me wants to run her a bath and take care of her. It’s the same part that fell in love with her a long time ago and doesn’t want me to fucking do what I’ve planned.

But that part has had no say in anything since three years ago.

Reina murdered that part in cold blood.

I grab her by the arm and lift her in my arms, sheet and all. She squeals before her hands wind around my neck.

“Give a girl a warning.” She pants as I step into the balcony. “Where are we going?”

I place her on the chair near the edge—the same edge she threatened to jump from not so long ago.

Reina’s eyes widen as if she’s coming to a realization. She pulls her knees to her chest and visible goosebumps cover her bare shoulders and arms.

She gulps while staring up at me.

Even I don’t know how I look right now. All I know is this ends today.

Every. Fucking. Thing.

Just like everything ended three years ago.

Three years ago

I take two steps at a time toward the school’s rooftop. Ari likes to meet here because it’s away from other students.

She has a weird relationship with people. Some days, she wants their acceptance. Other days, she just wants them dead.

It’s how her brain works, her shrink told us. You just have to adapt to her and try not to antagonize her.

My head is still fucking mush after her revelation yesterday. I saw her talking to Reina near the pool in the morning, and that’s probably why I’m tense. Or it could be because I’m still damn pissed about Reina and that cocksucker.

And yes, Alexander took care of him. The school got word today that he’s moving states, or probably countries. Alexander has a knack for dealing with people and making them disappear.

It’s what he does best beneath all the legal talk and the sharp suit.

Then, there’s Reina.

Fucking Reina a

nd her cold shoulder and stiff attitude. One day, I’m going to fuck it out of her.

One fucking day.

I jam my still bandaged fist into the wall to release the energy. I can’t talk to Ari when I’m in such a volatile mood. She’ll sense it and let it affect her.

Opening the door, I stand there for a second and inhale a deep breath. The afternoon sun has turned orange in the distance. It’s weird for Ari to stay at school this late, especially since she doesn’t have any club activities to attend.

I find her sitting at the edge with Jason. My nostrils flare upon seeing him.

I don’t like that motherfucker.

Not only is he hanging around my sister, he’s also trying to get his goddamn claws in Reina.

The only reason I haven’t rearranged his face and had Alexander relocate him to a third world country is because of Elizabeth.