“Yes,” I lie through my teeth.

Ari needs to believe I’m keeping it together in order for her to follow through. She emulates me in everything, sometimes mood included.

“In that case…” She stares back at her lap. “I have a confession to make. You’re the first person I’m telling this, and…and…I-I don’t want you to judge me.”

She’s back to clinking her nails.

I force my gaze away from them and smile. “I’d never do that. I’m your Gray, remember? The cloud that protects you from everything.”

The clinking stops as she smiles up at me.

Even her smile is like Mom’s.

Soon after, she stares at her lap again. “When Reina came into our lives, she took care of me without asking for anything in return. It made me feel so grateful to have someone else besides you and Dad care for me. I thought…I thought only my family would ever love me, so when Reina did, it brought brightness to my life.”

I nod. While Reina changed toward me, she never treated Ari differently. She took care of her and stopped other students from bullying her.

And for that, I’m grateful.

“Over time…” She trails off then blurts, “The brightness intensified.”


“You don’t understand?” She peeks at me.

My brows furrow. “Understand what?”

“I love Rei.”

“I know you do.”

“No, not that type of love. I’m in love with her, Gray—romantically. Like I can’t live without her.”

I remain still as if someone spilled a bucket of ice water over my head.

In love with her.


What in the ever-loving fuck?

Ari goes back to clinking her nails manically. “You…you said you wouldn’t judge me.”


My pulse rises as if I’m coming down from an adrenaline high.

Am I surprised my baby sister prefers girls? Sure, a little, but I’m not judging her for that.

Not at all.

If she thinks she’s better with a girl, so be it. It’s her life.

But why the fuck does it have to be Reina?

Just why?

“Do you…do you hate me?” Her voice turns brittle. “Please don’t hate me. I’m so sorry, Gray. I didn’t mean to be like this and…”