It’s a lie. I want to get out of this place filled with others. I think I’ll be more comfortable when I’m alone. After all, that’s the reason Old Reina moved out as soon as she was legal.

I’m starting to connect to Reina in more ways than one, and I have no idea how that makes me feel.

“If they were actively after you, they could’ve easily removed you from campus.” He sounds thoughtful. “Ask Alexander to tighten up security at the apartment building.”

“You don’t get to tell me what to do, Ash.” I pull my wrist from his hold and fold my arms.

The glare he shoots my way is so harsh I squirm in my seat. “What did I say about that?”

“Fine.” I unfold my arms. “But you still don’t get to tell me what to do.”

“Is that a dare?” His voice lowers. “By the end of the night, you’ll beg me to tell you what to do.”

I don’t miss the meaning behind his words, and my face must turn a deep shade of red.

“Look at you blushing.” His finger traces along my cheek in a sensual caress, his expression filled with awe.

I love it when I catch him off guard like that. A powerful sensation rushes through me at the thought that I have this effect on him.

Still, he’s an arrogant bastard right now.

Swatting his hand away, I adapt my no-nonsense tone. “I have friends here, you know, like Izzy and Jason. We have Scrabble nights.”

“Fuck Scrabble nights.” His face hardens as he leans closer. “Keep the fuck away from Jason.”

“Uh…no. He’s my friend.”

His hand shoots between my thighs, cupping me through my jeans. I gasp, my eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets. Tingles erupt where he touches me and my body’s memory kicks into gear. All I can think about is his face, fingers, and tongue down there.

“This is mine.” His lips are mere inches away from my face, a slight deviation and they’d meet mine. He speaks in a gravelly voice that shoots a shudder up my spine. “You’re mine, and I don’t appreciate people threatening what belongs to me. If you let anyone take liberties with you, I won’t stay still. Am I making myself clear, prom queen?”

I couldn’t speak even if I tried to. His closeness and the scent of his aftershave mixed with sandalwood and citrus is doing crazy things to my senses, heightening them, crushing them against one another.

It’s chaos.

Beautiful, maddening chaos.

Just like Asher.

“I said.” His grip turns merciless, and so freaking dominant. “Am I making myself clear?”

I nod once, not because I completely agree, but because I don’t want to test him while he’s in such a state. It’s like he’s gasoline waiting for a spark so he can erupt and burn everything in his vicinity.

While I do want to witness different parts of Asher, I don’t want to get on his bad side right now. He’s the only one who knows about Reina, and I might need his help to find my sister.

“Good.” He releases me and opens the door. “You have two days to move back to your apartment.”

I groan as the door closes behind him.

Arrogant bastard.

* * *

Alex keeps checking his watch as Asher and I sit in his office.

From what I’ve learned about him so far, his firm is his God and he has no other religion than work. Maybe that’s why he and Asher don’t see eye to eye on anything.

My supposed fiancé touches my leg with his. Great, so I’ll be the only one doing the talking.