They gave me a reason to strive higher. That’s why after Dad’s death and Asher’s disappearance, I became emptier again and let the gloomy cloud take over.

I only lived on the belief that I shouldn’t screw up Reina’s life because one day, she’d come back for it.

Today is that day where each of us takes back her life.

She gives me the side-eye. “You wouldn’t survive a day in my world, Rai.”


“I’m serious. I wouldn’t survive in your world either. It’s too…normal. I can’t do normal anymore.”


“No buts. You’re Reina Ellis and I’m Rai Sokolov.”

“You want me…” I cough on the lump in my throat. “You want me to be Reina?”

“You’re already Reina. You just stop thinking about it as a role.”

My lips part. “How did you…oh my God, you felt that way, too?”

She nods sharply. “I always thought it was just a role and I would need to give it back, but the last time we met, I realized how much you loved being Reina, and I’ve been meaning to tell you we should stop playing roles.”

My mouth remains open as my brain struggles to find the right words to say. I didn’t expect this at all and it just hits me out of nowhere.

“How…how about Asher? You know, the engagement and—”

She reaches into her pocket and retrieves a ring, a very familiar diamond ring. “I’ve been keeping it for you. I meant to come to find you after you were discharged at the hospital, but Kyle stopped me from seeing you since Ivan’s men were watching.”


“My bodyguard and right-hand man. He helped save you.”

I’ll have to thank him for it later.

“Anyway.” She shoves the ring in my palm. “Here you go. I hate holding on to these precious things.”

“But don’t you want it?”

Her brows furrow. “Why the hell would I? I only wore it that day because you made me, saying it’d look great on me and shit. It doesn’t. It’s yours. Asher was never engaged to me, he was always engaged to you, Rai. I have no interest in him whatsoever.”

Why have I thought she would? I always had the belief Reina would demand to have him once she returned, that everything in my life belonged to her, not me.

But well, just because I’m so head over heels in love with Asher doesn’t mean my twin would be.

A sense of relief engulfs me. It’s like a weight has been lifted off my chest.

“Where…” I clear my throat. “Where is he?”

She’s silent for a second as if trying to weigh her words. “He’s not here.”

The emptiness from earlier deepens and becomes a weight that nearly crushes my already injured ribcage. I hoped he’d be here for me as soon as I woke up.

We didn’t even talk properly after we watched that video of Arianna and Jason.

“Then where is he?”

“Well, remember how I told you Ivan is dead?”