Cloud003: The same police who are investigating you for murder?

How the hell does he know that?

Cloud003: Admit it, my slut. You want my cock as much as it wants you.

Reina-Ellis: Whatever happened between us is over. Move the fuck on.

The only one I can think about in a sexual way is the one running in the distance with earbuds in.

This mysterious asshole on Instagram does nothing for me. Old Reina was weird like that.

Cloud003: We’ll see about that.

I exit Instagram altogether and lift my head. Jason heads toward me, smirking at his phone.

When his dark eyes meet mine, he slips it in his jacket and loses the smirk.

I glance at my phone then back at him.

That…can’t be possible. Jason isn’t Cloud003.

He can’t be.

“Hey, Princess.” He smiles down at my sitting position near the pool.

We've been studying together for a few weeks now. I help him out with his tests. In return, Jason has been sort of like my personal trainer to help me get back in shape before I return to being thrown in the air.

“Hey, Jace.” I watch him closely as if seeing him for the first time.

The mocha skin and kind eyes, the broad football body and the easy smile.

He can’t possibly be Cloud003. And yet…something nags at me to prove it.

Best way? Surprise element. If I catch him off guard, he’ll have only a fraction of a second to pull himself together, and that’s my moment to read him.

“Do you know the Instagram account Cloud003?” I ask nonchalantly.

He pauses, his smile faltering a little.

Oh, God, no.

This can’t be happening.

The conversation I had with him before stabs me in the mind. When I asked him if we were friends, he said, ‘Something like that.’

Turns out we were friends with benefits.

“No. I barely post anything there, anyway.” He smiles again. “Is it someone you know?”

“Not really.” I mimic his smile.

Two can play this game, asshole.

I won’t show my cards unless I know his purpose. The realization nearly breaks my heart.

These past few weeks, I was getting used to having him as a friend.

He motions at the trampoline near the pool. “Are you ready to practice your jumps?”