Cloud003: Four minutes, Reina.

Reina-Ellis: Jerk.

Cloud003: One who’ll be fucking that tight pussy all night.

A day later, there’s a message from me.

Reina-Ellis: You still don’t want to meet?

Cloud003: No.

Reina-Ellis: Why not?

Cloud003: Don’t you have a fiancé?

Reina-Ellis: He doesn’t matter. I’m your slut, remember?

Cloud003: And that’s all you’ll ever be. Don’t ask for more or you’ll regret it. See you next year.

I stare at the words as if I’m learning to read. The evidence of my infidelity stares back at me with ugly, disgusting words.

What the hell have I done?

No more messages were exchanged between Cloud003 and me until a day before my accident.

Reina-Ellis: I won’t meet you again.

Cloud003: Nice try, my slut.

Reina-Ellis: I mean it. I’m turning the page and you chose not to be part of it. I know you’re blocking any feelings you have for me and I understand. I probably should’ve done the same. I’m sorry and goodbye.

He didn’t reply. The only other message is the one I just received.

How does he know I was bound to the roof last night? My first knee-jerk reaction is to ask him if he’s the one who did it.

I stop myself at the last second. He could be a psycho. Scratch that, he’s most likely a psycho.

It’s better not to engage with them. Besides, I clearly told him goodbye.

My heart somersaults in my chest as my screen lights up with another message.

Cloud003: Be careful, my slut. Someone is after your life. I’d hate to see those beautiful eyes vacant.

I lean back in my seat and watch her rosy cheeks through the camera.

The way she bites her lower lip as she stares at the phone.

The way her slender body straightens, her tits straining against her cotton T-shirt.

She’s beautiful and she knows it.

Maybe that’s why she chose to be a bitch queen.

I reach for my dick and readjust it.

Blackwood will soon have another tragedy.

Reina will play the main role.