“Hashtag bitch fight.” She blows her gum into a bubble and pops it in my face. I close my eyes, pining for patience. The only reason I’m not attacking her is because I’ve done something unforgivable.

“Leave Captain alone.” Lucy stands in front of me protectively.

Naomi flips her off. “Gladly, follower.” She starts to leave then stops and throws another comment over her shoulder. “Oh, and Luce, you might want to pick that up.”

Lucy looks around, confused. “What?”

“Your dignity.” And then Naomi is out the door.

Lucy sniffles. I stand up on a wobbly leg and awkwardly pat her shoulder. I’m totally unsure when it comes to comforting others, but I hate seeing Lucy in pain.

I’ve only known her for two days, but she and Naomi are easily the most non-fake people in the squad. She makes sure to fill me in whenever I’m lost. She’s not a follower like Naomi called her; she’s just doing her best to have everyone get along.

She’s a pacifier. Mom used to tell me those types usually have a soft, breakable core.



How can I remember what Mom told me? I thought I didn’t have a mom.

I mean, of course I was birthed by one, but she died during childbirth. From what I’ve gathered about my life—through Google—my dad has been a single parent all his life, so there isn’t a possibility of a stepmom either.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Captain.” Lucy wipes the moisture underneath her eyes. “I won’t do it again.”

“Do what?” I sound as confused as I feel.

“You told us not to cry in public or you’d have us clean the toilet.”

Holy shit. I was a dictator.

“Forget about that.” I offer her my handkerchief, and she takes it like it’s the Holy Grail. “You don’t have to defend me, Lucy. I can stand up for myself just fine.”

“I just didn’t want it to get out of hand between you two. Nao can be really vindictive.”

“Nao?” I raise a brow. “She lets you call her that?”

“Ugh. Old habits. We used to be friends. Best friends, actually.”

“What happened?”

“She hates me since the whole Seb thing. She thinks I knew and didn’t tell her and that I betrayed her.” She lifts a shoulder. “Doesn’t matter.”

God, I feel as evil as Hitler. Wait, maybe I was Hitler in a previous life. After all, we’re both dictators with a tendency for crazi


“I’m so sorry, Luce.” I squeeze her arm lightly.

She stares with wide eyes, her jaw nearly hitting the floor.

“Lucy?” I wave a hand in front of her face. Shit, I think I broke the poor girl.

“Uh…yeah…sorry. It’s just…we studied together since high school and that’s the first time I’ve heard you apologize.”

“Don’t be silly. Everyone apologizes.”

“Not you, Reina. You don’t do apologies, you don’t offer me your handkerchief, and you sure don’t stay back to make sure any of us are fine.”