Page 62 of A Fated Night

Whatever he was going to say was consumed by the air. Ken showed himself out of Lana’s room with the flurry of a man with something to hide.

She remained in her exact position for who knew how long. At some point, Lana reached between her legs and felt the last remaining part of her that was warm. The rest of her skin had chilled. But the essence of her union   to a man named Kenneth Andrews remained as hot as the passion always burning between them.

Even so, it was the closest thing to closure she was going to get. She would have to accept it, and maybe move on.

Chapter 12

“Do You Want Me?”

Ken didn’t know how long he had, but he figured now was as good a time as any to draft his resignation letter to Lois & Bachman.

He had already called his accountant (at midnight, no less) to set up a meeting for the next day. Unfortunately, his accountant was in Miami for unrelated business, but promised to squeeze Ken in if he was willing to fly down. So Ken booked the first flight he could find out of JFK the next day and went to work laying down plans for his future.

It was better than thinking about Lana. Better to stay up all night obsessing over facts and figures than to toss and turn in bed with thoughts of the woman who had made off with his heart like the temptress she always claimed to be. So not fair. What was Ken supposed to do with his life now? I fucked up. I fucked so badly. There she was, the most beautiful, vibrant woman in the world, and he had destroyed the tenuous trust between them. He knew that Lana did not love easily. That was something any man with half a brain could tell from one look in her direction. For her to open herself up to the hardships of a long distance relationship like that? To make him ask her to be his girlfriend so she could play coy before answering in the affirmative? How was she really feeling about him to be able to say that?

Ken had to let her go. It was best this way, wasn’t it? Let Lana go to work at Lois & Bachman. She would thrive there, thanks to the deep pockets that made sure only the best in the business worked there. Even if she decided she couldn’t bear to work there thanks to Ken’s legacy, she would still have the experience and references to set her career up for life. Why didn’t I propose this to her from the beginning? Why did I fuck it up like that?

It had all been fate. Now fate swung in the other direction. It wasn’t meant to be. Perhaps it was meant to be the impetus they needed to make drastic personal changes, but not together. Then again, Lana was one of the only women he had been so passionate with. That had so much chemistry with him. I really fucked it up. Hilariously enough, Ken was not really into ideas of fate. But as of late he was starting to come around to the idea that the universe was looking out for him, one way or another. Great.

He eventually crashed around two in the morning, long past his usual bedtime. At first Ken didn’t know how he was going to get any sleep. But, he supposed, the day had been long, emotional, and well… he had been drained of half his energy when he saw Lana only a few hours ago.

Can’t believe I did that. He had those thoughts as he drifted off to sleep. I never have unprotected sex. What the fuck? Lana had that kind of hold on him, he supposed. Either that or his cock was suddenly into risky business that could give him little Kennthlings, or worse, the sort of thing that put him in the grave. Lana had mentioned being on birth control, but was it enough?

“You think I’m not responsible?”

Ken knew he was dreaming. Not only was Lana there, dressed in a pure white evening gown and threading her manicured nails through her soft blond hair, but they weren’t anywhere near New York. Ken wasn’t sure if it was a real location at all – or some fantasy he cooked up when in deep sleep. Even so, he was relieved to see the beloved he let get away giving him some much needed reassurance.

“I didn’t mean to imply that.” Ken sat at the other end of the couch. Also white. Was this supposed to be heaven? “I know you’re a responsible woman.” He slid his hand into the split of her dress. Was she this warm and soft in real life? Or was that the comfort of his bed making him think everything felt as good?

“Ah, Kenny.” Damn, she had to be the first woman to call him that and not irk him. “You know why you pissed me off, right?” She touched the tip of his nose.