Page 56 of A Fated Night

“What have you been thinking?”

“Are you serious about wanting to date? I mean, beyond tomorrow?”

Those fingers uncurled again, overturning Lana’s hand and squeezing her fingers. “I wouldn’t suggest something like that lightly.”

“I had hoped you would say that. Because you were right, you know? I’m probably moving to New York by the end of the year. Depends on who I decide to work for and when I can start, let alone make moving arrangements.”

Something hopeful blinked away from Ken’s eyes. “About that…”

“No, no, let me continue. So it may be a few months before I can permanently move to New York, but would a few months really be hard to casually date? I mean, if you’re willing to come down to DC when you can, I’m sure I’ll be in and out of JFK for interviews.” Lana had thought about this all day. Because the thought of letting go of a man like Ken and possibly never seeing him again hurt. Come on, I’m not gonna say something like that… What was she? Irrevocably foolish? “It doesn’t even have to be ‘serious’ dating. If you wanna see other people on the side…”

“Lana.” His fingers threaded with hers. “If there’s a woman like you thinking about me somewhere in the world, then I can’t imagine thinking about anyone else. We could talk about what we really want from a more serious relationship when you move here.”

How could she not smile to hear that? “Come on, I know you’ve got the words in you.”

“Come again?”

She tittered as if she couldn’t believe she had to lead him on. “Are you going to ask me to be your girlfriend?”

“That’s a bit traditional for you.”

“Sure is. Now ask me so I can say yes.”

Ken looked down, lips turning inward, outward, trapped between his teeth. “Would you be my girlfriend, Lana?”

She snuck him a kiss before the waiter returned with their new bottle of wine.

There were a million things to talk about, and none of them had to do with work. Lana wanted to know everything he had time to tell her. Now that she knew this would not be their last night together, she was able to breathe easier. Enjoy herself. Take her time to ask Ken everything she had found curious about him. What were his brother’s names? He had how many nephews already? Where was his family from? Denmark? That was random, wasn’t it? What were his ten-year plans? Did he really think he could start running his own company by forty? Did he want kids? Was there pressure in his family to have kids?

And what did he think about certain forms of love?

Lana asked her questions with one hand on his thigh and the other propping up her chin. She was so infatuated with every answer he gave her that the dinner flew by. What did she eat? She never remembered. Was it good? Must have been okay enough to not distract her from her new boyfriend. Did she spend half her dinner rubbing his thighs in the hopes of getting him erect? Oh, yes.

She talked about her own family during the last part of dinner. Ken remained silent, occasionally nodding, asking questions, and making blithe comments. Somehow, he became more distanced as the minutes wore on and Lana’s throat grew parched. Luckily, she was more than happy to drink her share of the wine. The woman wanted to be tipsy, after all. I’m going to fuck him so hard tonight. Thoughts like that made her giggle and tap her bare foot against his shin. I want to ride him in a chair first. Then bend over my hotel bed and get it good. I wonder if it’s too early for anal? She didn’t mean for her.

Oh, there were so many things for them to do! Lana needed to stop getting ahead of herself. She promised her fantasies that there would be plenty of time to act them out now that they were a couple willing to make the temporary distance work.

“Who are you thinking of working for?” Ken asked in a rare lull. Lana was soothing her throat with more wine. “I’m sure you’ve had some offers by now. Maybe I could tell you something about the firms. I know them all.”

“Well.” Lana hadn’t wanted to talk about work, but it was relevant to their relationship, she supposed. “Nothing official, no. But Roger told me some ‘good news’ during the cocktail party earlier.” Which Ken had skipped out on, she noted. “Wyman Group is offering me a hundred sign on, moving costs covered, their full insurance package, and even a big deal on rent if I move into a place owned by Saul Wyman.”