I step in. “What about a hot laps match? Noah versus me. I’m sure that kind of vlog would interest your fans a bit more than an interview with Chloe. No offense.” The words slip past my lips before I have a chance to consider the consequences.

Noah stares at me without blinking while Maya’s mouth drops open.

I mean I get it’s surprising but come on. There’s no way in hell I’m letting my sister interview Chloe, but I’m also not letting Chloe behind the wheel of a car worth a quarter of a million dollars.

Maya laughs nervously. “Oh no. Don’t worry about it. We can scratch the vlog and go eat an early dinner instead with Mom and Dad.”

I lift a brow. “Are you afraid I’ll beat your husband? I know he’s old and all but have a little faith in him.”

Chloe stares up at me with her lips parted. I’m tempted to kiss the look of surprise off her face, but I refrain. Just because I can’t drive an F1 car anymore doesn’t mean I can’t race against Noah like the old days in a normal sports car like this one. I’ve practiced with similar cars I own over the past couple of years.

“If you beat me, I’ve clearly lost my touch.” Noah holds out his palm for me to shake.

“May the best man win.” I grab onto his extended hand and squeeze.

“I need to go grab my spare camera and car mount! I’ll be right back!” Maya runs off, rambling to herself in Spanish.

“I’ll grab the keys from the office.” Noah walks off.

I walk up to the Bandini car and run my finger across the hood. It’s been years since I’ve ridden in this kind of sports car. One meant to break every speed limit and look good doing it.

My eyes shut as I imagine the purr of the engine, revving as I press down on the throttle. Uneasiness trickles up my spine at the thought of speeding down a track at neck-breaking speeds. My hand falters, slipping on the hood.

“You didn’t have to save me back there. I could’ve done an interview with your sister.” Chloe places her hand on top of mine. An energizing sensation replaces the coldness from my earlier thoughts.

“And risk you making up terrible stories about me to old fans? I can imagine the outrage already.”

“I’d only take it to a certain level.”

“And what level is that?” My voice drops as I prop my ass against the hood and spread my legs. I grab onto her hips and turn her toward me, securing her in front of me.

“Oh, I don’t know.” She looks up at the sky. “I’d only reveal a skeleton or two about you.”

“Please, by all means, share what you had in mind. I’m curious what dirty secrets you’ve picked up on during our few weeks together.”

“You’re a blanket hog.” She smiles in a way that snatches the oxygen straight from my lungs. Fuck. It’s like my body can’t keep it together around her.

“Am not.”

“Are to. I almost froze to death last night. You left me with the smallest corner that could barely keep my feet warm, let alone my body.”

I chuckle. “Well, that explains why you were cuddled up to me this morning.”

She shrugs. “I did try to warn you.”

I nod, failing to hide my smile.

She scrunches her nose in distaste. “Well, now that we’re here listing flaws—you snore. Loudly, I might add.”

I throw my head back and laugh. “Now I know you’re just saying that to get a rise out of me.”

“Is it working?” She places a palm against my shaking chest. The heat of her hand makes me shudder.

I want to test her touch in a different circumstance, preferably with no one else around.

“You’ll have to do a lot more than that to get me ruffled.”

“Oh, I have some ideas—”