I cackle, letting go of her. “What are you even doing here?”

“Santiago asked me to come visit you.” She beams.

I look over my shoulder, catching Santiago smiling at us. He waves at Brooke and introduces himself.

“Seriously? Are you always going to be this perfect or will it wear off like a car’s warranty?” My eyes slide from Santiago to my best friend, ensuring I didn’t make any of this up.

All Santiago does is smile at me. It’s one that beams from the inside out, practically lighting up the damn entryway with his positivity.

“The dynamic duo is back.” Brooke does a little dance around me.

“You’re actually going to be visiting us for a while? I can’t believe it!” I wrap my arms around her again and give her a squeeze.

She matches my hug with one of her own. “Well…”

I release her and take a step back. “What?”

She bites her lip. “Since I now am a proud graduate with a degree under my belt, and we are in the land of designer royalty…”

“No.” My mouth pops open. Is she saying what I think she is saying?

“Yes!” she squeals. “I applied to a bunch of jobs here. London, Paris, Milan. If there’s a country with a fashion magazine, I’m attempting it.”

“You’re going to live in Europe? Like permanently?”

She beams. “It depends where I get hired, but it’ll be somewhere on this side of the world, that’s for sure. I can’t let my best friend move to Europe without me. We’re like a pair of kidneys.”

“Better off together than ever apart.” I smile.

Santiago walks up to my side and throws his arm over my shoulder. “We have a guest room set up for you upstairs. I can imagine you want to relax and take a shower after that long flight.”

I look up at the man who repaired my cracked heart with superglue and sheer willpower. “Are you sure that you want to sign yourself up for another roommate?”

“For a little while, at least until she gets on her feet and lands herself a job. Not to mention when she suggested staying at the same place you did, I told her I couldn’t allow that. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy… Well, maybe Noah, but only because it would be a humbling experience for our Royal Highness.”

I struggle to hold back my laugh.

“Speaking of Noah Slade… Does he have any friends? Any single friends, that is.” B

rooke waggles her brows.

Santiago shakes his head. “Unfortunately, all of us are taken.”

“Do you hear that?” Brooke leans in and whispers.

“What?” I raise a brow at her.

“I thought I heard all the women in the world sobbing, but maybe I’m just going crazy.”

Santiago and I both laugh. He looks at her with a bit of wonder. “I see why Chloe loves you.”

Brooke preens like a damn show-off. “Oh, do tell. I love compliments.”

“You’ve got the same kind of magic she has.”

I blush.

“Is it possible for me to vicariously fall in love with you too? Asking for a friend?” Brooke speaks with her most serious face even though I can tell she wants to burst into a fit of laughter.