“You’re going to not only torture me with this movie but also by sitting far away? What kind of man do you take me for?”

“The kind who wants to make me happy?”

“What about my happiness?”

“Of course that’s important.”

I point to my empty side. “Then get your ass over here. I like to cuddle.”

She lets out an exaggerated huff and scoots over toward me. I place my arm on the back of the couch, giving her room to lean into me.

“A smooth guy would’ve made a move rather than forced me over here.”

“I’m crippled. Have pity on me.”

She pinches my side. “Don’t even try it.”

I laugh. “Why bother making a move when I know I’ll get what I want?”

That statement earns me a harder pinch right between two of my ribs.

“You’re awfully cocky.”

“Emphasis on the cock.”

She lets out an obnoxious laugh that leaves her wheezing. “Please stop. My heart can’t handle any more of this.”

The movie starts, interrupting us with the intro to Pretty in Pink. Chloe cuddles up to my side and rests her head against my chest.

I wrap my arm around her.

Yeah, I could definitely get used to this, chick flicks and all.

Chloe has officially infiltrated my home. Having her around is like living with constant temptation in the form of short shorts and hints of cleavage. She scatters her items around the house, and while it should frustrate me, it only makes me smile like an idiot when I find them. And I mean it. Her shit is everywhere, but it surprisingly keeps me grounded in a good way. The kind of way I want to hold on to and relive day after day.

Chloe is working her way so deep into my heart that I’m struggling to remember how life was without having her around. But the best part of having her around is I have yet to fall into my dark place again. For the first time in a long time, I feel happy. Truly, unequivocally happy. I look forward to waking up earlier than her and cooking breakfast before she runs off to work.

In the past few months I’ve known her, Chloe Carter has banished the monsters making my days dark, and replaced them with everything that makes her days special.

It’s not enough to have her here living under my roof. I want to cut a piece of my heart out and tuck Chloe inside, protecting her from the world.

She’s like a rainbow after the storm, and I’ll be damned if she fades away once the sun breaks through the clouds.



“I’ve been thinking about something…” I pass Santiago the wrench he asked for. Did I mention I love his car garage yet? No?

It would make grown men weep, it’s that beautiful. Hell, I’d consider shedding a tear or two for the Bumblebee-lookalike Camaro in the corner.

He rolls half his body out from underneath his latest fix-up. “That’s never a good idea.”

I push my foot against his rolling device, attempting to shove him back under the car.

He laughs at my effort. “I was joking. What have you been thinking about?”

“Well, you going back to racing for one thing.”