
“Let me get this straight. You invited my parents to the final Grand Prix two days ago? And they said yes?” I struggle to get the words out.

Noah dropped this bomb on me while we watched a movie on our hotel couch. He casually mentioned how my parents boarded a flight last night to come visit us, like we all planned it.

“Yes. Can you believe it? They want to see their two kids after months of being away.” His eyes sparkle.

“But why would you do that?”

“Why not?” His lips tip at the corners.

I tilt my head at him. “Don’t answer a question with a question.”

“Can I answer with a kiss instead?”

Noah pulls me onto his lap, the couch dipping under our combined weight. His lips press against mine, a tingle spreading to my spine as our tongues caress, teasing each other. The charged energy between us never wavers. A constant current, all at the touch of our hands or the press of his lips.

I break the kiss. “Under all that attitude, you sure have the biggest heart.”

“Sh. Don’t let anyone in on

our secret.”

Noah kisses me stupid, my mind blanking as he shows me how he feels. I love everything about this man. He continues to throw me for a loop and surprises me whenever he can.

His lips move from my lips to my neck before trailing down the V of my polo.

“As much as I want to continue, we have dinner plans with your whole family tonight.”

“They are here?” I rush to stand, leaving a lusty Noah behind.

“Better get a move on, dinner’s at seven.” His dazzling smile reaches his eyes, lines showing at the corners.

I squeal and hug him before hurrying to get ready. Noah keeps to his side of the bathroom, thankfully, because he tends to distract me.

“I still can’t believe you flew them out here. Santi thought about it, but my parents said no when he asked. How did you convince them?”

“Are you keen on learning my tactics?” His eyes dance from the bright lights.

I wave a hand in the air. “I became a victim of your skills a long time ago. Why hold back on me now?”

He crosses his arms and leans against the vanity. “I asked them to do it for me.”

My face must show the confusion that runs through me.

Noah sighs. “I told them my parents aren’t coming, and it would mean a lot to me to have my girlfriend’s family here, no matter who wins. Because I would like to get to know them before I whisk you off on a two-week vacation. But most of all, it will make you happy, which in turn makes me happy.”

Oh, wow. Okay, I didn’t expect that.

I stride toward him and wrap my arms around his neck. Looks like I get to be the distractor today because Noah’s sincerity and kindness deserve all the rewards.

We made it to dinner only ten minutes late. I count our delay as a success because if someone had seen my hair after our bathroom romp, they would have called me a lost cause.

Santi scoffs at the role of a fifth wheel, choosing to become the life of the conversation instead of sitting back.

“You know when I gave Maya some rules about our trip, I didn’t anticipate Noah being an issue.” My brother flips through his menu.