If only she knew what was coming. I’m done playing games; I’m getting my checkered flag.

I pull out the big guns for this. And by big guns, I mean Sophie because she’s the equivalent of a grenade launcher and semi-automatic rifle combined. Without her on my side, the plan is hopeless.

I text her after the press conference to please meet me in my hotel room. She grumbles about it until I text her with praying hands and a promise for chocolate-chip cookies. Girl hasn’t changed in all the years I’ve known her.

“What do you want, Slade?” Her icy glare could make a normal man cry, but instead, I grin. How formal of her to use my last name.

I make myself comfortable on the couch since Sophie refuses to sit. She stands in a power pose, ready to take me on, hands on her hips. An intimidation stance that barely reaches past my head.

“I’m coming to you for help because I really need it. And trust me, I do.”

Sophie blows a bubble with her gum before popping it, the sound breaking the tension in the room. She looks like a Barbie version of a mob boss.

“How can I help you? I don’t even know what you want.” She likes to play dumb, batting her eyelashes at me.

“I think you do.” Let’s cut the bullshit.

“I want to hear you say it. The first step in fixing a problem is admitting you have one in the first place.”

Yup. This is why Liam can’t help being around her. She gives him a run for his money, all sassy and shit.

I suppress a groan and tug at my hair. “I like Maya.”

Her blank gaze gives nothing away. She blinks a couple of times, waiting for me to continue.

“And I messed up. I thought I knew what I wanted. But in reality, I didn’t.”

“Tell me more.” She sits down, her pose looking like my therapist.

“I took her out on a date. I’m sure you’re aware of that.” She nods. “And it didn’t exactly end well. I told her I could only offer physical stuff. No attachments or frills, and she wanted more.”

“No duh. And what do you want now?” Her gaze reminds me of her dad, staring into me like she can sense my sincerity.

I look away from her intense scrutiny. “I think I want more.”

“I don’t think you should do anything unless you know you want more. Maya’s the sweetest. She doesn’t need someone who isn’t willing to go all the way. Like make sacrifices for her.”

My fists tighten in front of me. “I can try. I never even wanted this before. But seeing her all the time, from far away, I feel terrible. I struggle to not go up and talk to her, or even kiss her. I want a chance. But I need your help.” I glance at Sophie.

She looks at me with a genuine smile and warm eyes, the opposite of how she was when the conversation began. “Share with me what you have planned. I’ll see what I can do on my end.”

I’m nervous because I don’t know if Sophie will hold up her end of the deal. Hell, she concocted half of the plan after she deemed my original one unfit. Once I told her I seriously wanted to date Maya, Sophie became a lot more willing to help, coming up with a few ideas she thinks Maya would like. She nixed my original plan to show up at the Prix after-party, telling me Maya doesn’t function well past 12 a.m. Lucky for me, Singapore Prix weekend includes events until the following Monday because they love to party over here.

I sit at an empty table at an exclusive restaurant. Sophie secured a private room that will force Maya to give me her undivided attention for at least an hour, but I hope for more if I buy a good bottle of wine. Because who can resist that? My fingers tap against the table, a nervous tick I picked up from the fidgeter herself.

Finally, after what feels like forever, someone knocks on the door.

“Okay, you guys. This is the strangest dinner plan ever—” Her voice cuts off when her eyes land on me sitting alone.

Her eyes widen while her mouth drops open. She’s dressed up in a sexy black cocktail dress with her dark hair flowing around her face in waves, adding to her gorgeousness. I take a deep breath to settle my own nerves.

I stand and walk up to her slowly to prevent her from fleeing.

“What’s going on?” Her eyes dart around the room, taking in the two seats, before they land on me.

“Let me explain over dinner.” My hand clutches hers as I walk her toward the chair across from mine, hoping she decides to stay. I pull out her seat and usher her into it. A compliant Maya may be my favorite version of her.

“I’m confused. I’m guessing Sophie is in on this plan?” She lets out an adorable soft curse under her breath.