I stand up and set the suitcase back upright then hold out my hand to help her up. Mary looks up at me, a mixture of hope and uncertainty dance across her face. I guess hope must have won because she takes my hand and I easily tug her up.

For a moment, we stand close. Our faces are only inches apart. Her crimson lips are tempting me to lean in and softly cover them with mine. An ache I thought I buried long ago rises up inside me. She smells like cinnamon and sin and I’m dying to feel her pressed into me. I want so badly to carry her up to the loft and roll around on that bed together until you can’t tell where I end and she begins. I want to push my tongue in past her red lips. I want to push my cock into her tight pussy.

“You guys will seriously cut the trees with axes instead?” Her brown eyes are wide as she looks for the truth on my face.

“We will, cross my heart.” I sign an X over my coat.

“That’s really sweet,” she muses.

“Well, don’t tell Hardy that. He doesn’t want anyone to know he’s capable of sweet.” I laugh.

“It’s hard to believe he is.” She looks away.

Hardy has already razzed her enough so I won’t bother telling her that “sweet” men are few and far between. The truth is, when you’ve got sexy, full curves, and a pretty face, all the men you think are so sweet are probably trying for the same thing. And it ain’t conversation.

I imagine easing my cock between her full lips. Watching it disappear into her mouth, inch by inch… Fuck, I need to get my mind out of the gutter. I came up here to save my cabin rental business, not mess it up by trying to get in my first customer’s pants. Even if those pants do seductively hug her perfect ass.

“How about this, I’ll get a fire crackling for you. Did you look in the fridge yet? There’s a nice bottle of white wine in there. You can just relax, enjoy the bottle by yourself and get settled in. Tomorrow is a new day, right? We won’t be bothering you with the chainsaws now, so you can have your writer retreat and still meet your deadline. What do ya say? Sound like a deal?”

I hold out my hand, hoping she’ll shake on it. Hoping we can put this awkwardness all behind us. Mary furrows her brow and then pulls off her mittens, placing her palm in mine. Now, I know it’s been a while since I’ve been with a woman, but there’s no girl on this earth who has made my hand all tingly when they touched it. From the look of surprise on her face, I guess she feels it too. We both just keep shaking hands, looking into each other’s eyes, silently imagining all the other ways we’d like to be touching each other.

I mean, at least that’s what I’m thinking.

Finally, she drops her hand and clears her throat, looking away. “Deal.” She puts space between us. “Thank you so much for the wine,” she adds.

“Not a problem at all.” I smile.

I busy myself with getting a roaring fire crackling and try not to steal too many glances as she strips off her coat. I try not to notice the way her silky shirt clings to her big tits. I do my best to ignore how she stretches out on the sofa; her curves practically begging me to slide up on top of her. Her lips practically begging to be kissed.

Instead, I get the fire going and do my best to ignore the flames burning up inside me. I linger a bit, hoping she’ll ask me to stay for a drink, hoping that one drink will lead to two and that two drinks will lead to dessert. But she doesn’t try to keep me and I don’t want to impose.

“Well, good luck with the writing.” I finally head toward the door.

“Thank you.” Maybe it’s the heat from the fire, maybe it’s the wine, but she’s absolutely glowing. It’s hard to look away from her. “I’ve gotta admit.” She bites her lip. Did she just check me out? “I’m feeling really inspired to get started.”

“I’ll leave you to it then.” I take one last look at her, the way her hips curve around to her thick thighs. The way her little belly hides under the shade of her big breasts. The way her brown eyes twinkle under her thick, black lashes. I take a mental snapshot for later. Hell, she’s got me so worked up I’m gonna call it an early day and go remember every single detail about her while I jerk off.



My clothes are strewn all over the bed as I rummage through my suitcase. Finally, my hand clasps around the cool metal of my laptop, yanking it out, I waste no time climbing back down the loft ladder into the living space below. Flopping down on the comfy couch, I sip a long drink from my wine glass and let the fruity flavor linger on my tongue before cracking the computer open and getting to work. My fingers furiously blaze across the keyboard as words that have been locked inside me for months pour out onto the screen.