“Hardy, you know how much I care about you, man, but sometimes you’re dumb as a post.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Think about it, man. Why are you so mad right now? Huh? How is it that she cut you so deep? Maybe you feel more for her than you’re letting on?” Owen tilts his head.

Hardy reaches the edge of the couch and looks down at me. For once I can see the hurt dancing in his eyes. The rage is gone. His wall is falling down. I can see the real him.

“I’m glad your stupid fucking glasses are gone.” He grabs my hands and tugs me up from the sofa.

“Why?” I look up at him from under the ridge of my lashes.

“Because I don’t love that side of you. That prissy, little-Miss-Perfect, prude.” He pulls me into him and I melt against his chest.


“No,” he growls. “I don’t love that side of you because that’s not the real you. This, now, being open with us. This is the real you. This is the woman I’m falling in love with.”

My heart is a helium balloon in my chest. Owen stands up from the couch and both of them wrap me in their arms. I finally let it all go, the image, the need to control what everyone thinks of me, my writer’s block. I let it float away and burn up in the atmosphere. I don’t care about any of it. I have everything I need right here and I’m never going to turn my back on it again.

“I’d like to stay, if you’ll still have me,” I murmur.

“Oh, we’ll have you all right.” Hardy smirks.

Anticipation builds up inside me as Hardy covers my face and neck in kisses. He lifts me up and I slide my legs around his waist. Strong hands cup my ass and hold me steady as he walks me backwards across the open floor over to the kitchen. Owen follows us over to the counter where Hardy eases me down. He plops me down at the end of the island. Owen slides around one side of me and Hardy is on the other.

I close my eyes, letting myself be blind to who is doing what to me, letting myself get lost in them. In us. Soft kisses travel my collarbone. Down my other arm, bristling kisses burn my skin in the same way that sparks fly from a match striking the black strip that sets it ablaze. That makes it burn with life, if only for a second, and it burns so bright.

Warm lips suck in my fingers, a soft tongue swirls around the tips, sending jolts up my arm. Gentle lips kiss and urgent trail down to the edge of my shirt. Hands slide up under the fabric, lifting it over my body, freeing me from it as I lift my hands overhead and let it go.

I let it all go. My fears. My inhibitions. My need for control.

It floats up into the atmosphere, unchaining me from all those stupid worries that I let rule my world. The biggest one of all frees from where it was wedged tight inside me. It wiggles free and disappears into the rafters, the fear of what other people think, it finally leaves me. I’m finally free.

Four hands roam my skin. One of the guys unsnaps my bra and I let it fall away. A set of fingers flicker open the button on my pants. I’m not sure if it’s the same fingers that unzip me or not. All I know is I lift my ass off the counter, wet and dying to feel them worship me, eager to help them pull off my jeans.

My jeans go quickly, along with my underwear. I’m naked.

The room gets so quiet. For a second I don’t feel either of them. Nervous, I open my eyes and watch them as they both grab a leg and hold me open. Hardy drags his tongue down the inside of my left thigh and breathes lightly over my pussy. The little hairs on the back of my neck tingle and goosebumps break out over my skin.

My heartbeat quickens, rushing blood through me, making my nerves come alive. Hardy licks my center and then rolls his tongue over my clit. I lean back on my elbows and watch as Owen kisses my other thigh softly. Hardy works me up into a fervor, I’m bucking on the edge of the counter, and it opens something inside me. That dirty girl I’ve spent my entire life denying. She’s done hiding. She’s done being ashamed. She’s got a taste of what she wants and she’s absolutely starving for more.

“Owen, I need to fuck,” I breathe in sharp as Hardy makes me struggle to form words. I’m so close to the edge. “Owen, get up here. I need to suck your cock,” I try to sound commanding, but it comes out desperate.