The kiss was deep and endlessly hungry. Seyn seemed to forget all his objections, kissing him back with need and aggressiveness that rivaled his own, little moans of pleasure spilling out of his mouth as Ksar’s hands roamed all over his body and undressed him swiftly.

“Fine,” Seyn said breathlessly, yanking at Ksar’s cravat and undressing him with unsteady hands. “Fine. But this is the last time.”

Ksar murmured his assent, pushing him onto the couch. He stretched out on top of him, relishing the way Seyn’s athletic but lithe body felt under his much bigger one. He was only distantly aware of Seyn’s hands fumbling between them to free their erections, his gaze fixed hungrily on Seyn’s flushed, aroused face: on his bitten, moist lips and glassy eyes. He looked drunk. He looked obscene.

He looked beautiful.

“Stop giving me that creepy look,” Seyn said hoarsely, wrapping his hand around their equally slick cocks.

“What creepy look?” Ksar said, gritting his teeth as Seyn started stroking them.

“Like you can’t decide if you want to eat me or fuck me.”

That was actually quite accurate.

Bracing himself up on his elbows, Ksar looked into Seyn’s glazed eyes. “I think I’ll do the latter. Tell your AI to lock the room.”

“You have some nerve,” Seyn said before grabbing a fistful of Ksar’s hair and pulling him down to bite at Ksar’s lips. His shields were completely down and Ksar could feel his thoughts even without trying to read them. (I fucking loathe you; ugh, why can’t I stop kissing you?) Seyn tore his mouth away only to command breathlessly, “Omer, engage privacy locks.”

A couch in the Third Royal Palace’s drawing room wasn’t exactly a piece of furniture Ksar had ever expected to have sex on. It was too narrow, uncomfortable, and small for two men. It should have made this one of the most awkward, worst sexual experiences of his life.

It should have, but it didn’t.

Ksar was shaking with the desire to touch too much to care about the narrowness of the couch. It was kind of pathetic, truth be told. It was pathetic how eager he was to get inside the young man under him. It was pathetic how little patience he had for preparing Seyn properly for penetration. At least he wasn’t alone in his eagerness: Seyn was murmuring breathlessly into his ear that he was ready, just do it already, get in me, want your cock, want you so much, it felt so good last time.

The first push made Ksar groan as incredible tightness enveloped his aching cock, Seyn’s thighs shaking from the half-folded position he was in. Ksar didn’t think he’d ever been harder in his life, the heady lust making thinking extremely difficult. All he could think of was finally.

“Come on,” Seyn demanded, digging his heels into his back. “Pleasure me. Harder.”

Ksar felt such a violent instinct to please him that the unfamiliar feeling made him freeze. He stared at the naked young man under him and reminded himself he was no slave to his body. “I will,” he bit out. “At my own pace.” He set a very slow, thorough rhythm that was frustrating even to him, much less to Seyn.

Seyn whined. Seyn bitched. Seyn called him names. Seyn clawed at his back. The telepathic onslaught to his senses was the worst: Seyn gave off such raw need that it was extremely difficult not to give in and fuck him as hard as Seyn wanted him to.

Ksar held on, undeterred, thrusting into him so slowly that soon Seyn was whining, all but clinging to Ksar as he moaned and cursed him.

“Please,” Seyn finally bit out, his voice absolutely wrecked, his hips mindlessly trying to push back on Ksar’s cock. “Ksar.”

There was something about the way he said his name that made Ksar lose it, his self-control shattering into a thousand pieces. Growling, he slammed hard inside him, and Seyn cried out, blunt fingernails raking down Ksar’s back, the spark of pain heightening Ksar’s pleasure. Yes, yes, yes, like that. Ksar wasn’t sure anymore whose thought it was, his own shields coming down enough to let their pleasure and their thoughts mix as he set a hard, fast pace. He could feel how much Seyn was enjoying his cock, how much he loved being full of it, how much he loved the base nature of the act, how much he loved just lying there under Ksar’s heavy body and taking the brutal fucking Ksar was giving him.

“You can stop feeling so smug, asshole,” Seyn said breathlessly. “I can feel exactly how much you’re enjoying yourself, too.”

A laugh tore out of Ksar’s throat and Seyn grinned at him dazedly.

Their gazes locked and held and Ksar felt an unfamiliar heat pull low at his gut. He resumed thrusting but couldn’t quite look away, their eyes locked together.