“It’s not that simple. Requesting the dissolution of our bonds is just the first step. I expect that it would take the Council and the High Hronthar close to a month to approve both requests.” Ksar dragged his gaze away from Seyn’s mouth, irritated with himself. “The problem is, you and I don’t have a bond to dissolve anymore.”

Seyn’s tongue slipped out to moisten his lips. “So what? Is it going to be a problem?”

“It depends,” Ksar said. “I have no way of knowing what mind adept will be appointed by the High Hronthar to break our non-existent bond. I won’t be able to change the mind adept’s memories if their telepathic abilities are stronger than mine.”

Seyn’s pink lips curled into a crooked sneer. “Is that even possible?”

“I don’t know,” Ksar heard himself say, once again disgusted that he had to force his eyes away from the brat’s lips. It was getting beyond pathetic. “My telepathy wasn’t exactly tested.”

“You’re stronger than me, and my telepathy is pretty damn strong.” Seyn paused, color high on his cheekbones. “Why are you all over my personal space?” he added, eyeing the tiny distance between them.

Ksar didn’t know how they had ended up this close. He refused to believe that he was the one who’d moved closer. He had better self-control than that.

“Perhaps it’s you who is all over mine,” he said.

Seyn scoffed. “I’m not the one staring at my mouth like I want to put my dick in it.”

Ksar’s jaw tightened. He looked into the green eyes. “You sound like you’ve been thinking about it a lot.”

Flushing crimson, Seyn shot him a venomous glare.

“Touched a nerve?” Ksar said, stepping closer.

He put his hands on Seyn’s hips and felt Seyn tremble against him.

“Get your hands off me,” Seyn bit off shakily.

“I will,” Ksar said, their mouths so close he could feel Seyn’s unsteady breaths on his lips. Fuck. He wanted to consume him. He wanted to mess Seyn up, pull at his shiny, perfect hair, yank it by the roots, and then rip his clothes. He wanted to get to Seyn’s skin, wanted to fuck him until he screamed, until he was wanton and slutty, until Ksar was so far inside him he couldn’t breathe, until those hateful green eyes were wide open and blind to everything except him.

Ksar said hoarsely, “If you say it like you actually mean it.”

With a feral growl, Seyn buried his hands in Ksar’s hair and yanked him down. “I fucking hate you.” He bit at Ksar’s bottom lip, making them both gasp. “I loathe you. I loathe this.”

Ksar absolutely shared the sentiment as he finally took that infuriating, maddening mouth with his. Ksar pushed his tongue between those soft lips, nearly groaning at the sweetness he found inside. It was highly illogical: mouths didn’t taste sweet. It was all hormones and pheromones that made kissing a person one was attracted to so satisfying. Still, kissing this particular person shouldn’t have felt so damn good—so damn right and perfect, as if this was what he’d been craving all these months. His hands felt unsteady, his entire body pulsating like he had an aphrodisiac running through his veins where he should have had blood.

Seyn kissed back just as hungrily, threading his fingers through Ksar’s hair, sucking on his tongue and making small, contented noises that went straight to Ksar’s cock. The urge to fuck, to put himself inside that pale, silky skin, was overwhelming. He was this close to shoving Seyn to the floor and taking him right there, in the middle of the Third Royal House’s drawing room.

A sound from the doorway made him freeze.

Ksar tore his mouth away, and Seyn whined, his hands still clutching at his shoulders, his eyes glazed with desire, mouth swollen and bitten red.

With some difficulty, Ksar wrenched his gaze away to look over Seyn’s shoulder, and his eyes locked with shocked green ones that belonged to Seyn’s older brother.

Ksar suppressed the urge to swear.

Following his gaze, Seyn turned around and went still at the sight of Prince Jamil.

For a long moment, no one said anything.

Sighing, Ksar reached toward Jamil’s mind with the intention to erase the relevant memories when Seyn grabbed his wrist and said sharply, “Don’t!”

Against his better judgment, Ksar stopped.

“How do you propose to explain to your brother why you were humping me when you aren’t supposed to feel arousal at all?” Ksar told Seyn telepathically, watching the Crown Prince carefully. If Jamil decided to leave and tell everyone what he saw, he would erase his memories, regardless of what Seyn said. Erasing Jamil’s memories was the safest way to ensure that no one discovered the truth. The more people knew, the bigger the chance that the Council would find out.

“I wasn’t humping you!” Seyn hissed out, full of indignation.

Ksar felt his lips curl into a smile. “Is that the most important thing you needed to address? You have strange priorities. And you were most definitely humping me.”