“You just like letting us stew,” Derek gritted out.

Ian didn’t deny it. “That, too,” he said before glancing at Miles. His jaw clenched. “I’ll wait five minutes for you. Go fetch your suitcase. Or don’t.” His face closing off, he strode out of the house.

As the door shut after him, tense silence fell over the room.

Miles tried not to squirm under four pairs of judgmental eyes.

“Miles, don’t go with him,” Shawn said, frowning. “I’m sorry, but I think he’s just using you.”

“Look,” Alexander said, a wrinkle between his brows. “I don’t know enough about the situation to give advice, but I’ve heard some stuff about Caldwell, and none of it was good. Messy relationships and ugly breakups are the nicest of those rumors. I know you’re an adult, but Zach asked me to look out for you.”

“He’s hot, in an asshole way, I’ll give you that,” Christian said with a sly smile that turned sheepish and teasing when his fiancé turned to him. “What? I have a well-documented weakness for blue-eyed brunets,” he murmured with a grin, leaning into Alexander. “Don’t worry, he’s got nothing on you.”

Alexander snorted, giving him a kiss to the temple.

Miles looked at Derek.

His dark eyes were grim as he simply said, “Our house will always be open for you.”

Miles felt a rush of gratefulness for him. “Thank you,” he managed before rushing upstairs to fetch his suitcase. He hadn’t completely unpacked yet, so it didn’t take long to stuff the few things he’d pulled out back into it.

He was grateful that there was no one in the hall when he returned. Striding out of the house, he headed toward Ian’s car. The engine was already running. His stomach in knots, Miles put his suitcase into the trunk and got into the backseat.

Ian was looking out the window but turned his head when Miles shut the door. His jaw was still set in a hard line, his eyes full of cold fire.

“Drive,” Ian said curtly before closing the partition that separated the luxurious backseat from the driver.

When the car started moving, he turned to Miles, his expression difficult to read.

Miles swallowed, feeling like a rabbit caught in a hunter’s snare.

“You know I’m not good at forgiving easily,” Ian said.

Miles nodded.

“I actually don’t remember the last time I’ve forgiven anyone. I’m not exactly a forgiving man.”

Miles nodded again.

Ian’s expression became pinched. “I definitely have never fucking forgiven anyone just because they batted their eyelashes at me and looked at me prettily.” There was a great deal of annoyance and disgust in Ian’s gaze—as well as something like disbelief. He suddenly moved forward, crowding Miles against the leather seat, hard blue eyes pinning him against the seat as effectively as his body.

Miles breathed in sharply. Fuck. He was trembling, faintly, for no damn reason. Ian’s scent, his proximity…it was all making his head spin. He could barely focus his gaze on Ian’s. He wanted to bury his nose under Ian’s jaw and breathe him in. He wanted to put his hands under Ian’s shirt and feel his warm skin. He wanted to yank all their clothes off so that nothing separated them, bare chest against bare chest, Ian’s chest hair against his sensitive nipples… Fuck, even thinking about it made him so horny he nearly whined.

Ian’s knuckles stroked his cheek, his gaze penetrating. “Tell me what part of it was a lie.”

Miles shook his head dazedly. “I never lied to you.” He buried his unsteady fingers in Ian’s hair and, bringing his face closer, leaned their foreheads together. He inhaled shakily, looking at Ian’s lips. “This is real. Can’t you feel it?”

Ian gave a harsh chuckle, turning Miles’s head to give him a nasty hickey below his left ear.

Miles moaned. Mortified, he glanced at the closed partition. Could the driver hear them? He couldn’t remember if it was soundproof.

“Feel it?” Ian said, sucking another hickey into Miles’s jawline. “I’m not at all sure I can trust what I feel when I’m around you.”

His eyes slipping shut, Miles bit his lip to stop himself from moaning again as Ian’s teeth closed on the sensitive skin at the crook of his neck. “What do you feel?”

Ian chuckled again, licking the place he’d just bitten. “Right now? I feel like marking you up all over. Like stripping you naked and fucking you right here, in the backseat of my car while my driver is a few feet away.”

Miles’s breathing hitched in his throat. The mere idea… Christ. The mere idea of being fucked, of having Ian’s cock inside him while Ian’s driver was none the wiser was deliciously naughty.

“You little slut,” Ian said, almost affectionately, biting his earlobe. “You actually want it.”

Miles could only moan, his hand scrambling between them to grope at Ian’s cock through the fabric of his slacks. At that moment, he couldn’t care less about the driver—he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop even if there wasn’t a partition separating them from the driver. Ian’s cock was already half-hard and rapidly hardening under his hand. Oh god.