That said, although his possible asexuality didn’t stress him out, Miles couldn’t deny that sometimes he wanted to feel… more like other people, to feel stuff other guys his age felt when they saw a beautiful woman or a fit man.

So now, the fact that he found himself staring at Caldwell’s hands and sharp jawline was more than a little intriguing. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d checked anyone out.

“…Yes, Mr. Caldwell,” Ernie was muttering, making notes on his tablet as his boss fired order after order. The guy looked more stressed by the moment, a look of misery in his eyes as he tried to type everything down. Miles felt a pang of pity again before telling himself not to be soft. The bloke was a homophobic ass. Having such a difficult boss must be karma or something.

Finally, the men left, and Miles was alone on the terrace again. Yawning, he closed his eyes, his eyelids growing heavier by the minute. Although he had taken a nap in the car, he was still exhausted after his flight and his body was sure the hour was a lot later than it was.

He must have dozed off.

He only vaguely remembered a maid shaking him awake and showing him the way to his room.

After undressing, Miles stretched out on the cool sheets, and fell into a deep, exhausted sleep.

He dreamed of blue eyes glinting with cold fire.

Chapter 2

Next morning, a very cheerful maid led Miles to the “small breakfast room” where the Rutledge family was apparently having breakfast.

Miles came to a halt in the doorway, taking in the domestic scene.

A stern-looking dark-haired man was seated at the head of the table, with a very handsome blond guy to his left. The Rutledge couple, presumably. The blond guy didn’t look like a gold-digger at all. There was something very soft and affectionate in his eyes as he talked to his husband.

Across from him, two very cute girls around ten were loudly arguing with each other. The girls must be related to the blond guy: they looked a bit like him, though most of all they looked a lot like each other. They clearly were twins, but they weren’t absolutely identical: one of them had a plumper, rounder face.

There was also a big black dog lying at the girls’ feet. The girls kept sneaking him food when the adults weren’t looking.

The blond guy was the first to notice Miles. “Good morning,” he said with a smile. “Come on in, don’t stand there! I’m Shawn. This is my husband, Derek. Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah, thanks,” Miles said, taking a seat next to one of the twins. He felt a little awkward. Although he wasn’t exactly socially awkward, he didn’t know these people at all.

The girl next to him turned, looking at him curiously. “Who are you? Why are you staying at our house?”

“Melissa!” Shawn snapped, a faint blush on his cheeks. “That’s very rude.”

“It was just a question!” the girl protested, pouting. “Derek, tell Shawn it was just a question!”

Derek Rutledge looked up from his cup of coffee and focused his hawk-like black eyes on the girl. They softened considerably. “I’m sure Bee didn’t mean to be rude.”

“Derek, don’t take her side!” Shawn said exasperatedly. “You spoil her rotten.” Shawn turned to Miles and gave him a weak smile. “Sorry about that. But it’s probably my own fault for not telling the girls about you. These are my sisters, Melissa and Emily. Girls, this is Miles Hardaway, Alexander’s friend from England. He was supposed to stay with Alexander and Chris, but you know they had to leave, so Miles will be staying with us for a while. Please be nice to him. Don’t prank him.”

Miles grinned at the girls. “I’m not too bothered by pranking. I have five siblings. I’ve seen it all.”

The twins’ eyes lit up. They exchanged a look that would have scared Miles shitless if he hadn’t been on the receiving end of Ryan and Nick’s pranks for years when they were kids.

“Besides,” Miles said. “It’s only natural that your sisters are confused. I would be, too, if I found some stranger in my home.” He looked from Shawn to Derek. “Really, thank you for your hospitality. I appreciate it, but it feels like I’m intruding in your home—”

“You aren’t intruding,” Shawn said. “It’s really no trouble.” He chuckled. “It’s actually a good thing that we’ll have another person in this mausoleum of a house.”

Even though he really appreciated the sentiment, Miles shook his head. “I would feel better if there’s something I can do to help around…” He trailed off, unsure what he could actually do to be useful. It wasn’t as though the Rutledges needed help around the house, considering how many employees they had. Any help of that sort would be useless for them, and they would be just humoring Miles if they let him work in the garden or the house.