“Good evening,” Ian said quietly, his deep voice sending a shiver up Miles’s spine.

Miles tried to remember what he had wanted to talk to Ian about.

Right. He wanted to quit.

“I,” he said, looking at Ian with wide eyes. He moistened his lips.

Ian’s expression became somewhat pinched. He tugged at the collar of his shirt. “Stop looking at me that way, for fuck’s sake.”

“Like what?”

“Like you want to sit on my cock,” Ian said tersely, shoving his hands into the pockets of his dark slacks. That stretched the fabric, drawing Miles’s gaze to the bulge there.

A laugh left Miles’s mouth. “Arrogance should be your middle name.”

Ian’s jaw clenched. “It isn’t arrogance. It’s self-preservation. My housekeeper is just around the corner, you little menace.”

Miles took a step down, so that they were face to face. “Are you saying you’d let me do it if Winifred wasn’t there?” He had intended for it to sound like a joke, but it came out breathless, his voice hoarse and full of want.

What are you doing, you idiot? What happened to your resolve to quit?

“Stop flirting with me,” Ian said, his gaze heavy as it moved between Miles’s eyes and mouth.

Miles bit his lip for a moment. “Or what?”

Ian glared at him. “Or you’ll get what you’re asking for.”

Miles swallowed, all the blood in his body rushing south.

God, just imagining it made him so hard. He’d never even had anything inside him besides his own fingers, and it had been ages ago. He’d liked it all right even if he couldn’t really imagine letting someone stick his cock in there, but now, as he imagined Ian filling him up and moving inside him, taking him, bruising him from the inside… Fuck.

It seemed everything he was thinking was written on his face, because Ian’s expression became tighter. “Stop that.”

“I’m not doing anything.”

“You’re thinking about sex.”

“And you aren’t?”

Ian glowered at him before glancing around. The tips of his ears were red, his jaw working. “Yes,” he said, looking Miles in the eye. His gaze was scorching in its intensity, but his tone was almost conversational. “Which is why you should stop looking at me like you’re gagging for it. I’m only a man, and not a good one.”

Miles wet his lips, his heart hammering in his chest. When Ian was close, he had trouble remembering why this wasn’t a good idea. He took a deep breath, trying to find some semblance of self-control. If he didn’t, he might end up dropping to his knees and sucking Ian’s cock right there, on the grand stairs of the Caldwell family mansion.

“I’m leaving, Ian,” he managed.

Ian’s face became very still, his eyes boring into him. “What?”

“I’m quitting,” Miles repeated. “I talked to Liam, and it looks like you were right about someone abusing his mother in front of him and his memories being all mixed up. But I couldn’t change his mind. I couldn’t—I can’t do anything to help him.” He looked at Ian pleadingly. “It’s eating at me that I can’t help him. I hate it, hate feeling useless and ignorant. He needs a child psychologist, not some bloke who doesn’t know what he’s doing—”

“What he needs is to feel loved and cared for,” Ian said, a strange expression on his face as he stared at Miles. “And I know you care for him, or we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

Miles shook his head. “That isn’t the issue. I adore the kid, but it isn’t enough, Ian. Just because I care for Liam, it doesn’t make me capable of giving him what he needs. It doesn’t work like that! Now that he’s actually talking, a psychologist can help him.”

Ian still had a very strange expression on his face. “Fine. If you’re so worried, I’ll find him a professional nanny who specializes in children’s psychology. But you aren’t going anywhere.”

Miles blinked at him in confusion. “What?”

Ian’s fingers wrapped around his wrist. “You aren’t going anywhere,” he repeated, his grip tightening, his gaze dark.

Miles’s mouth was dry. “You said just this morning that this was a mistake and we shouldn’t do it again.”

“I know what I said.” Ian leaned in and bit his earlobe.

A whine left Miles’s mouth, his eyes slipping shut as Ian’s tongue grazed the sensitive shell of his ear, sending shockwaves down his spine.

God. Anyone could come across them. Miles should stop him.

He couldn’t move. “Then what do you mean?” he managed, shaking with his whole body.

Ian’s hands squeezed his hips and pulled them flush against his own, erection against erection. “Because I couldn’t fucking focus on anything today,” he gritted out, sucking on his earlobe. “All I wanted was to get home, find you naked in my bed, and screw you into the mattress.”

A whimper left Miles’s mouth.

“It’s obviously unacceptable,” Ian said, his voice tense and irritated even as he practically made love to Miles’s ear. “I need to fuck you. Fuck this out of my system.”