Tyler was bloody insatiable. Nick liked to think the men he’d had sex with in the past left his bed perfectly satisfied, but Tyler…he was something else. He got hard the moment Nick pulled out his cock, writhing impatiently until Nick finally gave him what he wanted: his cock. He had never met a guy who was as into being fucked as Tyler was.

Nick had to admit it was a bit of an ego boost that he didn’t even have to touch Tyler’s cock to make him come on his cock—not that Tyler wanted him to touch his cock. That would be too gay: Tyler was ridiculous like that. Apparently, having Nick’s cock in him wasn’t gay at all, but God forbid if Nick touched him with his hands. Nick didn’t know whether to laugh at him or take offense at that attitude. He wanted to be offended, he really did, but he’d always been terrible at being angry at Tyler’s general ridiculousness. It was like being angry at a clueless, overeager puppy that didn’t know better.

“Come on, man,” Tyler whined.

“After the hockey game,” Nick said, his eyes on the TV. The Bruins were absolutely crushing the Penguins.

“But I’m horny,” Tyler said, flopping down on the couch next to him.

Nick snorted. “You’re always horny.” He kept his eyes on the screen, pretending not to notice that Tyler’s eyes were fixed unsubtly on his crotch. “Use a dildo if you can’t wait.”

In his peripheral vision, Tyler’s bottom lip stuck out. Christ, he really was such a child sometimes.

“Don’t want a dildo,” Tyler said, eyeing Nick’s denim-clad crotch. “Want your cock.”

The cock in question twitched. Nick ignored it. He was watching a good hockey game, and he wasn’t going to let Tyler distract him from it just because he wanted to use Nick’s prick to get off.

“Niiiiick,” Tyler said, putting his head on Nick’s shoulder. “Come on.”

Nick heaved a sigh. “Do you think this kind of attitude is a turn-on? The more you whine, the less arousing it is. Let me watch the damn game.”

“Fine,” Tyler said sulkily. “Though I don’t know why you’re bothering with this game. The Bruins are gonna win, anyway. Blackburn and Fairley are unstoppable.”

Nick had to admit Tyler had a point. The Bruins had an unbelievable start this season, mostly thanks to the incredible chemistry between the rookie Fairley and the captain of the Bruins, Hunter Blackburn. Their line had been on fire, scoring goals every game like it was nothing.

As if hearing Nick’s thoughts, Blackburn received a sick pass from Fairley and sniped the puck into the net, to the delight of the Bruins’ fans.

“I bet they’re fucking,” Tyler said, watching Blackburn sweep Fairley into a hug.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Nick said. “Blackburn is definitely straight. He’s dating that famous model—forgot her name.”

Tyler shrugged. “Okay, maybe not fucking. But I bet Fairley wants to. Look how he looks at Blackburn: like he’d drop to his knees right there if only Blackburn says a word.”

Snorting, Nick rolled his eyes. “You’re seeing stuff that isn’t there just because you’re horny.”

Tyler elbowed him. “I’m right! It’s pretty pathetic that even I have a better gaydar than you do.”

“Yeah, right,” Nick said, returning his eyes to the TV. “Hush now.” He didn’t need to turn his head to know that Tyler was sulking like the giant baby he was. But for once, Tyler listened and fell quiet.

They watched the period in silence, and Nick almost dozed off when he felt it: a hand on his cock.

He flinched, his eyes snapping open. “Tyler.”

“What?” Tyler’s voice was all innocence.

“What are you doing?” Nick said, boring his eyes into Tyler’s face.

Tyler shrugged, his curious gaze on Nick’s crotch. He palmed the outline of Nick’s mostly soft cock before honest-to-God pouting.

Nick rolled his eyes, knocked Tyler’s hand off his cock, and returned his gaze to the hockey game.

Except Tyler put his hand back and started feeling up his cock.

“Isn’t groping another man’s cock kind of gay?” Nick grated out, exasperated, even though his cock started hardening anyway.

“I’m not groping your cock,” Tyler said, his blue eyes locked on Nick’s crotch with terrified fascination that was equally off-putting and arousing. “I’m…getting it into a working state. Not much different from washing and lubing up a dildo.”

“Right,” Nick said, torn between laughing and telling Tyler to go fuck himself—literally. He was also kind of surprised, to be honest—surprised that Tyler was touching his cock at all. This was the first time Tyler had touched it in the weeks they’d been fucking, though it was hardly the first time Nick had caught him looking at it.

“I’m glad you’re cool with it, man,” Tyler said, unzipping Nick’s jeans and pulling out his half-hard cock. “I don’t want things to become weird between us.”

“Sure, Ty,” Nick said, but the sarcasm seemed to fly right over Tyler’s head. He clenched his jaw as Tyler started stroking his cock. To Nick’s irritation and discomfort, it wasn’t even the handjob that was doing it for him. The fixated, partly nervous, partly hungry look on Tyler’s stupidly pretty face was a bigger turn-on than the awkward handie he was receiving. Nick didn’t know why the hell this was so arousing. Maybe it was because there was something vaguely wrong about Tyler touching his cock. It felt like a taboo— because it sort of was. Tyler had always been firmly put in the off-limits category, so this felt wrong, almost incestuous. Not that he’d ever seen Tyler as a brother, but Tyler was closer to him than his cousins. And he’d told Tyler the truth: he really wasn’t Nick’s type. Nick tended to gravitate toward slim, dark-haired guys. Tyler’s tall, muscular body and blond hair seemed a little strange to him even without taking into account that Tyler was his straight best mate. Except Nick’s cock didn’t seem to give a damn about his misgivings, hardening only after a few strokes of Tyler’s hand.