Tyler hissed as he sank slowly onto the cock. He didn’t always like this part much—the initial weird feeling of having something so big in his ass—but he knew it would get better. So damn better.

“Easy,” Nick murmured, settling his hands on Tyler’s hips to steady him.

Their eyes met and locked.

Something shifted in Nick’s expression.

Tyler felt his skin become warm. Because of the position, their faces were uncomfortably close, and it felt…different. More intimate, somehow.

Discomfited, Tyler closed his eyes and started riding Nick slowly, focusing on the wonderful feeling of a cock moving inside his hole. But it still wasn’t enough. He could fuck himself on a dildo with the same result. He loved being fucked. It wasn’t even that he didn’t want to do the hard part; he just wanted…he just wanted to lie back and take it. There was something about it that incredibly turned him on. Maybe it was the taboo part: men were supposed to be the takers, after all. Maybe it was something else. Either way, this wasn’t enough. He wanted to be fucked.

“Ugh, need something different,” he said breathlessly, opening his eyes and focusing them on Nick with some difficulty. “Wanna be under you.”

A muscle in Nick’s cheek jumped, his gaze very dark. He’d never looked at Tyler with that kind of intensity during sex. They had always joked and laughed during sex, the banter preventing things from becoming weird. This definitely felt a bit weird.

But before Tyler could say anything, Nick toppled them over.

What followed was the most intense, brutal fuck of his life. Tyler could only gasp and stare at the ceiling with glazed eyes as his best friend practically folded him in half and fucking ravished him, every thrust aimed to hit his prostate perfectly. It was terrifying. It was perfect. It was everything he’d ever needed.

“Oh God, ah, ah, yes, yes, yes,” Tyler mumbled incoherently. He had been holding his own legs up and apart, but now he lifted and rested them on Nick’s shoulders while Nick fucked into him like a jackhammer. Shit, this was perfect—Nick’s cock felt so perfect—

“You’re such a slag,” Nick bit out between his brutal thrusts. “Wanna stuff you so full of my cock you can’t bloody walk straight for a week—and everyone will know what a cock slut you are behind your macho front—”

Tyler came, so suddenly it caught him by surprise. He gasped for breath, trying to recover from the rush of intense pleasure and understand what had just happened. Did he just…Did he just come from a bit of dirty talk?


Why had Nick even talked to him that way? Obviously, Nick hadn’t meant those words, but how did he know that they would turn Tyler on?

When Tyler managed to focus his gaze, he found Nick staring at him with a very strange expression.

Nick pulled out and rolled off him.

“Where are you going?” Tyler said in confusion. Nick’s cock still looked hard enough to hurt.

“I have to go,” Nick said, zipping up his fly albeit with some difficulty. His voice sounded a little off, clipped. He wouldn’t quite meet Tyler’s eyes.

“It’s midnight,” Tyler said, his confusion growing by the second. “You can stay the night.”

Nick shook his head. “I have to go.”

And then he was gone.

Chapter 7

“Are you going to tell us what the hell is wrong with you?”

Nick looked at his brother and snorted, seeing his stern gaze. “I know you’re ancient, but I’m not exactly a kid anymore, Zach. I don’t have to explain anything to you.”

Zach’s expression didn’t change, his brown brows furrowed as he looked at Nick inquisitively. “You’ve been brooding. You don’t brood. You aren’t me.”

Nick smiled faintly. It was a bit of a family joke that while Zach and Nick looked creepily alike but for the color of their hair, they couldn’t be more different as far as their personalities were concerned. Zach was reserved and responsible, inclined to ordering people around; Nick was easy-going and laid-back—as long as it didn’t concern something or someone he truly cared about. If it did, he was prone to being…too intense. Come to think of it, maybe he was a bit like Zach. Maybe.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Nick said at last, focusing his eyes on the FIFA match between Tristan and James. James was absolutely trouncing his half-brother, which was kind of hilarious, considering that Tristan was a former football star.

He could feel Zach’s unimpressed gaze even without looking.

“We’ve barely seen you for weeks, but then you turn up at my house and practically move back into it. Not to mention that your best mate called our bloody landline several times, and you asked us to lie to him that you weren’t here. What the fuck? Since when do you avoid Tyler?”

Since I started sticking my cock into him, Nick thought, pinching the bridge of his nose. No, it wasn’t correct: things had been fine in the beginning. He hadn’t even thought of what he did with Tyler as real sex—they were just mates who got off together, nothing more. He didn’t see Tyler as an object of attraction. But that last time, he had looked down at Tyler’s silly O-face and instead of feeling amused or even affectionate, he’d felt a twinge of pure male satisfaction and want.