“My parents didn’t give me these babies,” Tyler said, patting his abs.

Nick—the asshole—laughed. “Please tell me you don’t call your abs babies. Please.”

“Oh, fuck you,” Tyler said, kicking him under the table. “You wish your body was as good as mine.” Well, to be entirely honest, Nick was as fit as him. They were exactly the same height, actually, and were built similarly. Nick might or might not have better arms, but Tyler wasn’t going to admit it aloud. Ever.

“Right,” Nick deadpanned with an eye-roll of his own. “So what about that blonde? You couldn’t make her come or something?”

“Fuck off. I’ll have you know I made her scream.” Tyler looked down at his beer. “It was just…She did a thing…It was weird and kind of gross, but I can’t stop thinking about it now.” He darted a glance at Nick and found him frowning.

“A thing?” Nick said.

Tyler felt his face go warm. “Like—she put a finger in—in me.”


“You didn’t like it?”

“No—yes—I…” Tyler groaned, unable to meet his eyes. “I liked it, man. That’s the problem. I never came so hard. I can’t stop thinking about it now, and it’s fucking with my head. I’m not gay! You know I’m not!”


Tyler forced himself to look at his friend.

Nick had an incredulous expression on his face. “You do realize that gay men aren’t the only people who can get off from anal stimulation, right? Actually, some gay men don’t even like it. A finger in your ass doesn’t make you gay, you twat.”

Tyler breathed out. Nick was right. Nick would know better. Nick was actually gay. Unlike Tyler.

“But,” he said, chewing on his lip. “The problem is, it’s messed me up—the finger thing. I can’t even wank without feeling like something is missing. I fucked a really hot girl yesterday and it felt—I dunno, so unsatisfying, man. A lot less intense.” He looked at Nick imploringly. “You’re gay—you get it, right?”

Nick looked at him strangely. “Not really, actually. I’m not…” He raked his fingers through his black hair with a wry smile. “It’s not really my thing, Ty.”

Tyler blinked. “But you’re gay.” He felt almost betrayed. Nick was supposed to be the person who would get it.

Nick gave him a somewhat pinched look. “As I said, not all gay men like it.” He shrugged. “It doesn’t do much for me. Not worth the hassle. I guess my prostate isn’t that sensitive. But it looks like yours is, so congrats. Enjoy.”

Tyler looked at him in disbelief. Enjoy? “Are you kidding me, man? That’s your advice?”

Nick chuckled. “What kind of advice do you want? Buy some good lube and finger yourself—”

“Keep your voice down, dammit,” Tyler said, scowling into his beer. Even his ears felt hot. “I’m a straight guy. Straight men don’t do that.”

Nick exhaled loudly. “God, you’re such an idiot. Why are we friends again? I have much cooler friends.”

Tyler knocked his knee against Nick’s. “Don’t front,” he said, smiling. “I’m your best bro. All your fancy law school friends are boring and ugly. And I’m totally the best wingman a gay man could wish for.”

Nick snorted. “I don’t remember you ever being my wingman. I don’t need a wingman to pull, anyway.”

“Why do you think you get hit on when we hang out together? Gay men see you with a hot bloke like me and think you aren’t the loser you are.”

“Yeah,” Nick said dryly. “That must be it.”

“Oh, fuck off.”

They fell into a companionable silence. Tyler glanced at the bar, but it didn’t look like Justin needed help. Justin was new, but it wasn’t rush hour. He should be fine.

“I’m serious, mate,” Nick said, making Tyler look back at him. “Get some good lube and try it. If it felt as good as you say, you owe it to yourself to try it. If it was a fluke, no harm done. If it wasn’t, good for you. Putting a finger up your ass won’t make you gay.” Nick raised his eyebrows. “Unless you’re insecure about your heterosexuality?”

Tyler narrowed his eyes. “Fuck you. I’m not insecure.” He was one hundred percent straight. Nick knew that better than anyone.

Leaning back in his seat, Nick looked at him over the rim of his beer glass. “Then do it. What do you have to lose?”

Later that night, Tyler stared at the ceiling of his bedroom, panting like he’d just run a marathon, his cock spent, his fingers still buried in his asshole, his body tingling all over after the most intense orgasm of his life.

He couldn’t wait to do it again.

And again, and again, and again.

“Shit,” he whispered.

It was all Nick’s fault.

Chapter 2

The next night, Tyler went to his favorite club and picked up the hottest woman he could find, a tall, curvy redhead with great legs. Her name was Debbie. She gave amazing head and she was so wet around him that her pussy made wet sounds every time he moved; it was a great ego boost.