He looks at me, his eyes intense.

“Because when you find that person, distance is nothing. You make it work.”

I nod. Yes, you do. And if Mac’s look is anything to go by, he means I would be worth it. And I will do whatever it takes to make it work with him given half a chance.



I have absolutely no idea what the fuck is happening here. I went from spotting Zoe in a bar and wanting her, to knocking some sleazebag out on her behalf, and now here I am spilling my whole fucking life for her. And not just the good parts. Somehow, without even trying, she got me to open up my baggage and show her all of my dirty laundry. And she didn’t run away. And she didn’t look at me with that pitying look I dread. The one that says the person views me like they would a puppy that has been kicked. Life hasn’t always been easy for me, but I don’t need anyone’s fucking pity.

Zoe looked sad for me, but that was it. She empathized; she got it. But she didn’t look at me like I was broken and needed fixing. I think perhaps she was right when she said we’re meant to save each other, because looking into her eyes feels like looking into my future.

How the fuck I managed to stop myself from kissing her when I turned to look into her eyes and saw the desire in them, I will never know. I wanted to kiss her, to claim her mouth as mine. I wanted to strip her naked and fuck her tight little pussy, claiming it, making her come and come and come. But it feels wrong. I just saved her from an asshole who couldn’t keep his hands to himself. I don’t want her to think she’s just switched one asshole for another one.

I know she’s into me. And I think it’s more than just attraction. This … this thing that I feel for her, this connection, I think she feels it as well. I’ve never met anyone like Zoe who can make my cock stand up with one glance and at the same time, see deep into my soul. It kind of scares me, but it excites me too. This girl is going to be mine, there’s no question about it. But no matter how much I want her, it won’t be tonight. I don’t want to risk thinking that she’s only doing it because she feels like she owes me something after I punched that twat who was groping her. I don’t want her to think of me as the lesser of two evils.

“This is me,” she says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

We’re standing in front of a small but clean and decent looking building a couple of blocks away from the seafront. She smiles shyly at me and looks down at her feet for a moment before looking back up at me.

“Would you like to come in?” she asks.

Yes. More than anything I’d like to come in. I’d like to come in and march you straight through to your bedroom and claim what is already mine. I know if I go in there, I won’t be able to hold myself back, and I want to. I want Zoe to know she’s more than just a cheap fuck to me, that she’s worth waiting for.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I say.

Her face falls, and I hate myself for putting that look on it, even if it’s just for a second. I go on quickly.

“But I would like your number so I can take you out tomorrow afternoon. If you’re not busy, of course,” I add.

Her face breaks into a wide grin and she nods eagerly.

“I’d like that,” she says. “I have to meet Georgie first thing, but I’ll be free around lunchtime if that works for you?”

“Georgie?” I say.

Jealously pumps through my veins like acid. Who the fuck is this guy and why is he getting to meet up with my Zoe?

“My surf partner. We always go out and hit the waves every Saturday.”

I nod, trying to keep my face straight and not show her how jealous I am. I fail miserably. She doesn’t comment on it. Instead, she holds out her hand. I frown.

“Your cell phone,” she explains. “So I can put my number in.”

I hand it over, and she adds herself to it. She hands it back and our fingers brush against each other. My cock stiffens. It’s almost like I can hear it yelling at me, telling me there’s this awesome, perfect girl who wants me as badly as I want her and I’m just going to walk away. I ignore it with great difficulty and focus on Zoe. It’s obvious she’s waiting for me to kiss her, but I can’t. If I do, I won’t be able to stop myself from going inside with her, from licking her all over, from eating her pussy and claiming it.