“Have a nice flight, sir,” she says, motioning for me to step through the gate and into the corridor to the waiting plane. I nod and thank her and step through. I can feel tears prickling the back of my eyes, and I fear my knees are going to buckle and I’ll collapse on the spot. I can’t do that. They might not let me fly if they think something is wrong with me.

It’s finally the moment I’ve been waiting to come for a year, and I pull my cell phone out and call Zoe.

“Mac, hey, are you okay? Why aren’t you on Skype?” she says.

I smile to myself as I hear her voice. She somehow sounds closer. I imagine I can feel her breath on my ear as she talks, and I feel my cock stirring to life.

“Mac?” Zoe says.

“Listen, Zoe; I can’t stay on long. I’m about to board a flight. I just wanted to check in.”

“A flight to where?” she asks.

I grin.

“To San Diego International,” I say. “I’m in Chicago, Zoe. I’m coming home.”

She doesn’t attempt words, she just shrieks down the phone, and I laugh at her excitement. She’s laughing and crying at the same time. I laugh with her, even as I feel tears run down my face.

“Right. Go. Do not miss this flight. I’ll be waiting for you at the airport. I love you.”

“I love you too, Zoe. I can’t wait to see you.”

I end the call and get onto the plane. It’s only once it takes off with no issues that I allow myself to fully believe it. I’m going home. God heard my prayers, and he granted them. I’m going back to my wife, and I’m going to make her call out to God just as soon as we get home.



I stand at the meeting point in San Diego International, surrounded by other people excited to see their loved ones and drivers holding up name signs. The air is alive, filled with expectation and anticipation.

My heart is pounding, and my palms are sweaty. I can’t believe it’s finally happening. Mac is finally home. After the longest year of my life, I’m finally going to get to see my husband, to hold him, to touch him. My pussy clenches just thinking about what it will feel like to be in his arms again after so long.

A man appears through the gate, and my breath catches in my throat, but it’s not him. More people begin to trickle through. Some head straight outside, others greet people who wait for them. A group of giggling women appear, and behind them, there he is. My Mac.

My heart stops beating for a full five seconds, and when it starts again, it does so with a thud. I can feel a thousand emotions flooding my system. My mouth is dry, my head whirling. He looks every bit as good as I remembered him to. His hair is a little longer, but other than that, he hasn’t changed a bit.

My eyes run over his body and back to his face. He’s spotted me now, and our eyes meet. For a second, we are frozen in space and time, looking at each other, our eyes saying the things words will never be enough for.

He drops his bag, and it breaks the spell. We run to each other and meet in a collision of sparks, tears, and unspoken words. His mouth finds mine, and we fit together perfectly as if we’ve never been apart. As his lips touch mine, sparks explode through every part of me. My pussy clenches, soaking me.

Pulses of electricity flood my body at his touch, and if I weren’t wrapped in his arms, I’d be on the ground now as my legs go to jelly. I reach up and wrap my arms around Mac’s neck. He holds me around my waist, scooping me up into the air and spinning me.

He sets me back down on the ground, and I pull my head back to look at him. I cup his face in my hands, needing to make sure he’s real. Tears run down my face, and I’m laughing at the same time. Mac grins down at me and leans in to kiss me again.

I pull him closer to me. I can feel how hard his cock is as it presses against me. I can feel the solidity of his chest, the strength in his arms. I am so wet I am sure anyone looking at me will be able to tell. The kiss we share is far from appropriate for a public setting, and I don’t give a rat’s ass.

I push my hands into Mac’s hair, pulling his lips tighter against mine, needing to be closer than close with him. Fireworks sing through my whole body, waking me up inside, turning my skin to flames. When we finally pull apart, my breath is coming in pants. We look at each other, and I can see the desire for me rolling through Mac’s eyes as he holds my gaze.