Zoe is still gasping, her hands balled up into fists as she is carried away on a sea of ecstasy. She stops breathing for a moment, suspended in agonizing pleasure as she puts forth another rush of liquid, and then she relaxes and breathes again, panting for air.

I sit back on my knees, still gasping myself. She lifts her head up and holds out her hands. I take them, and she pulls me to my feet. I collapse on the couch beside her, pulling her into my arms as we both recover from our session.

I’ve jerked off more times than I care to admit since I met Zoe, but nothing has ever felt as intense as that. I can only imagine what it’s going to be like when we’re married and I can claim her pussy. When I can force my cock into her tightness, forcing her to open herself up to me.

Thinking about it makes me want it right now, and I feel my cock start to harden again. It takes a lot of willpower to stop myself from fucking her now. The feeling of her in my arms is driving me wild as my cock tingles and demands another release.

I go to move, to break the contact so I can get myself under control again, but I notice Zoe has fallen asleep on my shoulder. It makes it easier to get myself back into some sort of order knowing that she’s asleep and not teasing me, encouraging me to claim her.

If this has worn her out so thoroughly, she has no idea what she’s in for on our wedding night.



I lie on the bed smiling to myself even though I am alone. I want to jump up and scream and shout and do a little dance.

“I’m getting married tomorrow,” I whisper to myself.

I say it again, louder this time, a laugh of delight coming out of me. I thought I would be nervous. I probably will be tomorrow, but right now, I’m just excited.

We opted for a small wedding. On Mac’s side, his foster parents and the guys from his special ops team. On mine, Vicky, Georgie, Georgie’s boyfriend, and a few other school friends. It meant our budget stretched much further and the people who are important to us get to be there and we have enough money left over for a honeymoon. Nothing too extravagant, just a week in Hawaii. It wouldn’t matter to me if we booked into the motel down the road, as long as Mac and I are together.

I’m looking forward to the wedding of course, but more than that, I’m looking forward to starting a life with Mac. And truthfully, I’m looking forward to finally being able to leave the V plates behind and let Mac ravish me. I managed to wear him down once, four weeks ago on the day he proposed, and I got my first taste of what sex with him will be like. Rough, hot, and fucking mind-blowing.

After that day, we talked about it, and we both agreed that we wouldn’t do anything else until after we were married. That session, the way Mac jerked off as he got me off, showed me for sure that he wasn’t having second thoughts and he hadn’t stopped desiring me, and I knew he was right. We should do it properly.

And tomorrow we will. He’ll take me, claim my body, once I am his wife. Mrs. Zoe Kramer. I love the way that sounds.

I wish Mac were here now, but it’s unlucky for the bride to see the groom the night before the wedding, and although I’m generally not superstitious, for the sake of one night, why risk it? As soon as the rehearsal dinner was over, we retired to our own rooms, one floor apart.

We both said we’d be having an early night to be ready for tomorrow, but it’s already after one and an early night is definitely not in the cards for me. How am I meant to sleep when I’m this excited? I feel like a little kid whose mom has just told her she’s going to Disneyland the next day. Only this is better than Disneyland, and it will last forever.

A knock comes from my door, and I grin as I jump up from the bed and cross the room. Vicky or Georgie obviously know that I won’t be doing much sleeping tonight, and one of them is here to rescue me from total boredom and frustration.

I pull the door open, already grinning, and then the grin falls from my face as I see Mac standing there.

“What are you doing?” I shriek. “You know it’s bad luck for us to see each other now.”

“I think we’ve had our share of bad luck already, Zoe. We need to talk. Can I come in?” he says.