He pulls his fist back and swings for me. I see it coming and block it, but his other hand follows it and catches me in the side of the jaw with a stinging blow. I swing at him again, landing another blow on his bleeding lips. I feel my knuckles pop as they connect with him. The sting through them spurs me on, and I lose control completely, raining punches down on the douchebag, shouting at him about being a fucking pervert.

He gets in another punch or two, but there’s no real force behind them. He’s beat, and he knows it. I give him one final punch, and he crumples to the ground, bleeding and unconscious. I start to pull my foot back, ready to really finish this, when I become conscious of eyes on me. I look up and find myself looking into Blondie’s eyes.

Tears swim there, and I know I’ve blown any chance I had with her after she’s just watched me pulverize someone. She steps closer to me as I stand frozen, watching her. I realize I don’t see any sign of fear or revulsion on her face as she looks at me. Instead, I see something that looks a lot like gratitude. She takes another step toward me.

“You … you did that for me?” she asks in a quiet voice.

Her bottom lip quivers, and I want to pull her into my arms and hold her and tell her that she’s safe and she’s mine and nothing bad will ever happen to her again. Instead, I shrug.

“He should have let go of you when you told him to.”

Sirens sound in the distance, and Blondie blinks away the tears and the moment of vulnerability is gone. She starts to walk away. I watch her go, and she turns back to me.

“Come on,” she says. “We need to get out of here before the cops show up.”

I’m shocked, to say the least. I thought she would be afraid of me after seeing what I did to the douchebag, but here she is inviting me to wander off into the night with her. I don’t need telling twice. I jog toward her, and we slip out of the parking lot. She crosses the street, and I follow her. She takes a winding path through the blocks, dodging down little side streets and alleyways. It’s obvious she knows this place well, and after a few minutes, I’m confident no one would be able to trace our path. I am one hundred percent lost and I don’t care. I’d follow this woman into a pit of boiling lava if she asked me to.

I want nothing but to take her into my arms and shove her roughly against the wall. To push those little shorts down and fuck her mercilessly until she’s begging to come. It takes everything I have not to do it. I know I can’t though. Not after what happened to her back there. I don’t want her to think for even a second that I’m anything like that douchebag.

She stops walking abruptly and turns to me with a smile.

“Thank you. For what you did back there. It’s by far the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

I can hear the sincerity in her words and it pains me to think about what sort of life she’s had where a bar fight is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for her. I open my mouth to respond but she’s still talking. The moment of vulnerability has passed, and she throws me off guard again. She has a way of flitting from being this frail little thing in need of protection to being this confident woman who can take on the world and probably win.

“You should be far enough away that you won’t get caught. The cops won’t bother looking for you—it was just a fight, nothing for them to worry about too much. I guess I’ll see you around maybe.”

She flashes me that smile, that killer smile that makes my cock twitch just looking at it, and then she turns and starts to walk away from me. I can’t just let go like that. I reach out and grab her wrist, more roughly than I planned to.

As I touch her, I feel an intense jolt of lust flood through me. She stops and looks down at me holding her wrist and then up at my face. She doesn’t seem afraid that I’ve grabbed her. I can see the lust I feel for her reflected in her eyes as she searches my face, her eyes flitting across my features. Her breathing speeds up.

I feel my cock start to stiffen and I drop her wrist.

“I … I’m sorry,” I stutter. “I just … it’s not safe out here alone. Let me walk you home.”