He wasn’t in any better state now.

His mouth dry, he watched as Tristan carefully soaped between his cheeks, his slim finger moving up and down before pushing inside. A small moan left Tristan’s lips. Zach went still, realizing that Tristan was getting off rather than cleaning himself. His eyes zeroed in on that finger as Tristan widened his stance slightly and leaned his forehead against the shower wall to give himself better access. Jesus, the curve of his ass was downright obscene. Tristan’s finger moved in and out of his hole, and Zach couldn’t help but imagine the red tip of his cock disappearing inside it slowly. Shit.

Tristan pushed a second finger in and started finger-fucking himself with little gasps of pleasure that went straight to Zach’s cock. Zach closed his eyes, trying to make himself leave. He should wait for Tristan in the bedroom. They needed to talk. He had no delusions that he could leave the house without putting his dick inside the brat, but they needed to talk first. He had to make sure Tristan was on the same page and understood that sex would mean and change nothing.

Move, he told himself.

Zach moved—but not to leave the bathroom.

He moved toward Tristan, the water masking his approach. He dropped to his knees on the bathroom tiles and, grabbing Tristan’s hips, dragged his mouth across the smooth cheek.

Tristan’s body went rigid, his fingers pulling out immediately. He attempted to turn around, but Zach was holding him still and Tristan could turn only his head. His face was flushed, his blue-green eyes wide, long dark lashes wet and glistening with water. He was so fucking pretty Zach’s balls started aching as those soft, red lips formed a perfect “o.” Tristan kept opening and closing his mouth wordlessly. God, he looked good enough to eat.

“What—” Tristan said, but his words turned into a moan as Zach gave his hole a long lick.

Spreading the cheeks open, Zach delved in, tasting clean skin and fruit-flavored lube. He’d never minded rimming women who asked him, but this was the first time he actually got off on doing it. Tristan’s small, broken moans were such a huge turn on and he couldn’t get enough. But soon it wasn’t enough: his dick want to be where his tongue was.

Standing up, Zach shrugged off his drenched jacket, unzipped his jeans and pulled his aching cock out. “Lube,” he said, pushing his fully clothed wet body against Tristan’s naked one. Shit, he needed to fuck him.

His fingers unsteady, Tristan reached out to the shelf and handed him the bottle of lube. Zach quickly smeared Tristan’s hole with lube, pushed two fingers in and started scissoring them quickly. He was in no state to wait a second longer. Sinking his teeth into Tristan’s neck and sucking, he lubed up his throbbing cock and tried to line it up. The cock head nudged against Tristan’s hole and they both moaned, but the angle was too awkward because of their height difference.

“You’re too damn short,” he said, hissing as his cock kept rubbing against Tristan’s opening.

“I’m not,” Tristan said, sounding dazed as he pushed back onto his cock.

Zach cursed and pulled away. “Come on,” he said, grabbing Tristan’s arm roughly and dragging him out of the bathroom. Along the way, he pulled his wet t-shirt off and kicked off his boots, but that was the extent of his patience. The moment Tristan was on the bed, Zach was on top of him, his tongue in Tristan’s mouth and cock grinding against his thigh. It wasn’t a gentle kiss or a sweet exploration. It was furious and raw, full of pent-up frustration and relief. He attacked Tristan’s mouth with his lips and teeth, nipping and sucking as Tristan writhed underneath him. Christ, he wanted to consume the little shit, wanted to fuck him out of his system, out of his life. Tristan’s tongue slipped into his mouth and his hands clung to Zach’s hair, small gasps of pleasure slipping from his lips.

“Fuck,” Tristan grunted. “Let’s fuck. Please, please, let’s fuck.”

Zach stopped kissing him and took in a shuddering breath, trying to suppress the violent urge to throw the boy’s legs over his shoulders and slam into him. He couldn’t do it. He had to be careful. He must be careful. Tristan wasn’t completely recovered yet.

He rolled off Tristan and pushed him onto his side.

“What are you—?”

“This way you’re less likely to re-injure your groin,” Zach said, spooning behind him and burying his face in Tristan’s nape. “Lift your upper knee. Carefully. Don’t move too abruptly. Don’t strain your short adductors unnecessarily.”

“I can’t believe you,” Tristan said with a groan. “This is not sexy at all.”

With a harsh chuckle, Zach pressed his lips to the red mark he’d left on Tristan’s neck yesterday and sucked. “This is not meant to be sexy.” Taking his dripping cock into his hand, he pushed inside Tristan slowly. He hissed as incredible tightness enveloped his cock. Jesus. When he bottomed out, Zach forced himself to be still. He hadn’t prepped Tristan all that well. He had to give him time to adjust.