I’m quiet, listening, unsure what the fuck to make of this. I just nod, urging her to go on.

“She’s a good mother. She’d never—the car seat of all places—I don’t understand. I was supposed to see them tonight for mac and cheese supper. Millie’s favorite.”

“We’ll get Millie her mac and cheese and her unicorns. I promise you that,” I growl.

I follow the GPS instructions because Reese is too out of it to help.

Five minutes pass in dreary silence, until Reese screams, “Shit!”

“What’s wrong?”

“I need to talk to Abby. Right now. I have to figure out what happened, and she’s going to need an attorney. I should probably call Millie’s worthless sperm donor, but if I do that, he’ll use this against Abby. He’s been pecking at more custody rights for years. He doesn’t really care about Millie.”

“Sperm donor? Last I checked, that’s not usually part of visitation rights...”

She smiles. “Abby and I just call him that. A better word is deadbeat.”

“Looks like the shock wore off,” I say to myself. I could damn near drop to my knees in seeing her smile, however faint.

“Hmm?” she asks.

“Never mind.” I shake my head. “Do you have his info?”

“No. His name’s Will Frisk. That’s about all I know. I never liked him much when they were together. Abby was obviously distressed when he took off because he left her with a newborn, but honestly...I thought it was for the best. Either he left and took his drama with him, or he stuck around and she had to support all three of them. She got the better end of that deal. And when he ghosted, he also took the drugs he was always trying to peddle...which is why I don’t get it. He was a horrible influence. She’d never get mixed up with him again.”

“As long as you have the kid, there’s less damage he can do. I’ve been through my share of custody issues,” I say bitterly.

She looks at me, her mouth hanging open. “You have a kid?”

“Nah, I had parents. Reese, what nineties kid who grows up under rich narcissists doesn’t know about custody battles? I’m lucky as hell my grandparents were around for Ward and me. They raised us more than the two selfish boneheads we called mom and dad.”

She’s quiet for a moment.

“Wow. I thought billionaire bad boys had perfect lives,” she muses.

I smile. “You need to stalk the tabloids more.”

“I’m just mad. So mad at my sister. If Millie was with her, she’d be with CPS right now. That’s what the cop told me. Because they don’t know where she is or who’s picking her up...” She lifts her phone and starts scrolling, a nervous simmer in her eyes.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“Looking for an attorney. I have to help Abby. I’m probably going to need one myself for any legal issues with custody...”

“Put the phone down. I’ll make some calls once we’ve got Millie squared away. I’ve got an excellent attorney on retainer. One I trust. Even if he’s not that versed in criminal law or family issues, he’ll know how to find others who are. No point in you hiring a JD off the street. You’re holding up well and that’s what you need to keep doing. If Ward was in jail, I’d be a mess and you’d better believe Grandma would handle it.”

“Granny Bea could handle anything.” She gives a tired laugh. “I’m pretty sure I’m not holding it together at all. I mean, my boss is driving me and it took me twenty damn minutes to tell you what happened.”

“You were in shock. That’s normal. Then you pulled your shit together enough to know what’s important. Trust me, we’ve got this.” I thump my chest.

She gives me a deer-in-the-headlights look I probably deserve.

“...it’s not your problem. Or the company’s. It’s totally mine, Nick, and it’s definitely not appropriate to pull my boss into it. You know what happens when lines get crossed. Nothing—”

“Good?” I finish for her. “This is me doing good. Because it’s damn inappropriate to let someone you see every day suffer when you’ve got the power to step in.” I pause, trying like hell not to make this worse. “Listen, tonight I’m not your idiot boss who makes you spit hornets. I’m your friend—if you’ll let me be. You’re right to be scared when it’s easier to think I’m a jackass.”

“Well, you are,” she throws back, a familiar razor-edge in her voice.

My lips twist in grim recognition. Fair, I suppose, when I’m barging into her life like this. But what the fuck choice do I have?

I let it go.

“Have you thought about what you’re going to tell Millie?” I ask a little while later.

She turns her head up, this exhausted look in her eyes.

“It’s stupid, but I’m hoping she won’t ask. Not right away, I mean. Then I’ll just tell her something came up with Abby and we’re having a fun sleepover. Can’t I leave it at that until tomorrow?” She looks at me like I have all the answers, biting her lip.