“My first time ever.” I feel myself blushing.

“Are you trying to seduce me?” he growls.

I shrug, holding back a smile. “I thought it was a nice memory.”

He takes my hand and kisses it.

Who knew such a chaste kiss could feel dirty with this man?

“One of my favorites. Although, I’ve always regretted your first time was in the back of a car,” he whispers.

“And I’ve always loved that you wanted me so badly you couldn’t even wait for a bed,” I admit, loving how his fingers wind through my hair.

“Glad you feel that way, Reese. I sure as hell can’t wait until we get home tonight.”

One primal growl.

One hungry kiss.

One glance from burning green eyes.

That’s all the encouragement I need before our seats are moving back and we’re ripping at each other’s clothes.


Pink Chariots (Nick)

A few weeks later, Ward adjusts my tie. “Are you ready for this, not-so-little brother?”

“Were you?”

His jaw tightens like he’s chewing the question. “Well...when Paige took me back, I’d have busted into the courthouse that very day if it was what she wanted.”

“Yeah, no question. I’m ready,” I say with a firm nod.

There’s a rapping at the door.

“Boys, are you decent? Not that it matters—I used to change your diapers. I’m coming in!”

“Thank God it’s a small wedding.” I laugh.

Ward shakes his head and opens the door.

Grandma sails inside, enveloping him in a huge bear hug.

“I’m so proud of you both, my married men!” She pats Ward’s cheek before she looks at me. “You look so handsome on your wedding day, dear.”

I move closer, giving her a bear hug of my own that hoists her off the ground.

“It’s all thanks to you,” I say. “I wouldn’t be marrying the love of my life without your help, Grandma.”

Ward makes a mock-gagging noise and gets the evil eye from Grandma.

“You’ve found your calling since Reese decided to give you the time of day. I knew something special was waiting in the cards.” Grandma grins, her silver hair bundled up like a fairy-tale beehive. “I’m so glad, Nicholas. So glad. And you’ve done marvelous things for her. I can’t believe how her confidence shines!”

Now she’s just flattering me. Reese always had her shit together.

“We should get moving,” Ward says, eyeing his watch. “If you’re late, she’ll kill you, and I’ll get stuck with cleanup duty.”

“Poor you,” I grumble, shooting him a subtle middle finger behind my back.

Ward grins.

Some things never change.

“Did you call a car yet?” Ward asks.

“We’re driving Reese’s wedding gift,” I tell him.

We walk out of the hotel, one step closer to the pier where I’m due to be hitched in under an hour. Everyone stops when we spot the shiny new car.

“Would that be Reese’s present?” Grandma asks.

I grin and nod. “Hope she likes it.”

“She’ll be delighted. Can I drive? Please?” Grandma gives me these huge, moony eyes.

I bust a gut laughing.

“Damn. Today’s full of surprises,” Ward says with a snort.

“Grandma asking to drive?” I look at him.

He nods. “She’s made me drive whenever she needs a lift since the day I got my license.”

“Well, I’ve never seen a pink Cadillac—and it’s a convertible,” Grandma says, fluttering a hand against her chest. “I raised you boys. Therefore, I’m driving.”

I grin and throw her the keys.

“The thing that makes me nervous is how well Reese knows cars. What if she would’ve preferred a red Lambo?”

“She seems more like a purple Viper sort of girl to me. But I guess it works,” Ward says, climbing in the back seat.

I ride shotgun.

“Probably, but they don’t usually have much space in the back, and she’ll need it soon—”

We’re both shocked as Grandma guns it, doing a donut in the parking lot.

“Grandma! I’ve to get to my wedding and deliver this thing in one piece before Reese crucifies me,” I grumble.

“Oh, you’re such a buzzkill.” She pulls out of the parking lot beaming like the sun.

Ward chuckles in the back seat.

“What?” I glance back at him.

“It’s just weird to hear you worrying about seat space. I never pictured my little brother as a family man. Glad as hell it happened, though. You couldn’t have kept up your old ways and been happy,” he says.

Annoyingly accurate.

“Park far enough away so she can’t see the car,” I say as we close in on Lake Michigan.

“I thought this was your getaway car? I’ve never met a woman who wants to walk a mile in heels and a white dress,” Grandma says, clucking her tongue.

“Ward, will you grab the car when it’s time for us to go?” I ask.

“Your best man will be busy. He can’t just leave the reception. I’ll do it,” Grandma volunteers without hesitation.

We all laugh like we haven’t for years.

“Guess we know what we’re buying for Mother’s Day,” I whisper to my brother.

We park half a mile away and walk the rest of the way to the pier, where I’m so fucking gobsmacked I can’t think.