She gives me a dead look. “Um, I’ve barely read the classics, but I think it was Odysseus. And it was twenty years. And they were Greek. Also, you busted my heart to smithereens.”

“Whatever! I loved that story as a kid and...I never meant to hurt you, Reese. Never. I’d let a one-eyed giant chew me up a thousand times before I’d ever hurt you intentionally,” I say, wrapping my arms around her.

“You knocked me up.”

My eyebrows go up. “I don’t regret that one.”

She laughs and it’s adorable. Then her face grows serious again.

“You left me with basically no notice. How do I know the next time you think you’ve effed up you’re not going to just take off again? A family can’t deal with that, and neither should anybody you love.”

I swallow a groan because it’s a valid fucking question.

“I messed up bad. I see it now. Maybe in time, I can gain your trust back. I promise you one thing; I’ll never walk out on our children as long as I live. I promise—”

“Children? You’re expecting more than one?”

I try like hell not to smile.

“It’s your body, sweetheart. You’ve got veto power, but...if we can fall back in love and I can win you over again, then someday, I’d love more.”

She’s quiet for a long moment, pondering.

“You’re serious about sticking around?”

“If you’re cool being stuck with me.”

“If you ever leave me again—” She stabs a finger up, pushing it just below my throat.

Grinning, I pull her closer and hold her like it’s the first time.

“It won’t happen. Swear to God and I already swore to Grandma.”

“I’ll never speak to you again if you walk it back,” she warns.

“I’ll cut out my own tongue, my eyes, my—you don’t want to know. I like having organs, so I think that’s good collateral, yeah?” I say.

Finally—finally—her arms close around my back and she slumps into my arms, letting go. But she presses her head into my chest, crying softly.

I stroke her hair. “What’s wrong, love?”

“I want this. I want you. For things to be the same again so badly. But I’m...I’m scared, Nick. Abby gave Will all the chances and now just look at her. I know it’s not the same. You’re not a drug-dealing lunatic, but still...”

Goddamn. What do I say to that?

I don’t like being compared to Will Frisk, but I did leave her high and dry, pregnant, and alone.

Slowly, she leans in and whispers, “I have to do what’s best for this baby and—”

“And you’re not sure that’s me,” I finish.

“I’m sorry.”

“I love you. I love our baby. I’ll take care of you both the same way I took care of you and Millie. But you don’t need me now. You have the money for a new company and people to help you through it. You only need me if you want me.” My voice cracks. Raw.

Sorrow scorches my throat as she looks up at me, her bright-blue eyes drinking me in. I gather the words to finish.

“But I hope you need me, Reese. I hope I can chase every doubt from your mind and give you everything you deserve. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.” I hold her tight, remembering she’s pregnant. “Shit. I’m not—am I hurting you?”

Smiling, she presses her body into mine as an answer.

“I want to be there with you, but I’m scared. I just—I don’t know—”

“I’m not strong enough to leave you again,” I say roughly.

Her chin tilts back and her round eyes gleam.

That got her attention.

“Sadly, I had a taste of what it is to live without you. I can’t fucking do it again,” I growl.


Tears stream down her cheeks.

I wipe them away, brushing my finger on her skin.

“God. I hope I don’t regret this,” she rushes out.

Regret what? But before I can ask, she’s up on her toes. Her arms have moved from my waist to my neck, and her lips are on mine. Heaven returns.

I flick my tongue against the seam of her lips.

She opens her mouth, inviting my kiss.

Now that I know what life feels like Reese-less, kissing her tastes so much sweeter.

She slides her leg over mine and strokes gently.

Growling, I pick her up.

She wraps her legs around me. I have to pull away to catch my breath.

“Where’s your bedroom?” I rasp.

Reese holds a breath and exhales slowly. “Behind the kitchen.”

Her lips are on mine again and I’m stealing every breath she has.

We stay melded, tongues tangled, as I carry her down the narrow hall and tumble her down on the bed.

She comes up on her knees. I pull the belt of her fleece bathrobe loose, smiling like the world’s biggest fool. I’m certainly the planet’s luckiest one.

Her hands climb up my shirt and she starts opening buttons one by one.

“Are you laughing at me because I’m not sexy? I didn’t plan on being seduced tonight.”