She answers on the first ring. “Hey, you’ve been gone for a while. Everything okay?”

“I’m at the penthouse and everything’s better now that I know I’ll see you. Can you give me a ride back to the office, sweetheart?”


“Any chance you have time to come up for a minute?” I shouldn’t ask, but this stress makes me ache for her.

I’d give both arms just to have her for a quickie, to take the tension of the last two messy hours out on her fine ass.

“It’s midday,” she flings back playfully. “I still have to run Ward and the marketing team to their next meeting in another hour or so.”

“It won’t take long. Just long enough to ruin your hair,” I growl into the phone.

She giggles again, this delighted gasp mingled with her laughter.

I love that sound.

And even in this frenzied moment, one thing becomes crystal clear.

I don’t care what I suffer to push through this.

Carmen and her drama won’t shit things up with this woman, and neither will everything with Abby, Frisk, work, or even my own fool head.

I’ve fallen harder than I ever thought possible.

Reese Halle is irrevocably mine, and nothing will ever steal her away from me.


Say It (Reese)

“And they all lived happily ever after.” I read the last line, close the book, and kiss a sleeping pile of Millie on the forehead.

Nick’s voice drifts in from the office downstairs, catching my attention for the second time.

Even behind the closed door, I can’t make out what he’s saying, but...he sounds pissed. That much is obvious from the razor-edge in his voice.

Too curious, I pad through the living room. So he’s not in his office after all, but outside on the balcony.

He has his back to me, staring out at the Chicago skyline, one fist wrapped around the railing.

“For the last fucking time—get help,” he snarls into the phone. “I’m not your shrink, your prop, your prey, or even your friend. I’m damn sure not your fool. This is fucking over. Keep pressing your luck, keep playing, and there will be consequences. I can make your life just as unpleasant as you’ve tried to make mine.”

My heart skips a beat as he jerks the phone down and angrily stabs at the screen.

“Nick? What’s wrong?” I ask gently.

He spins around. His eyes take a second to focus when they meet mine.

“Nothing.” There’s a lingering edge in his voice.

“That...didn’t sound like nothing,” I say gently.

“Just tabloid bullshit again.” He gives me a thin smile.

“Who were you talking to?”

“One of Osprey’s minions. Who else?”

My face turns up. Why do I feel like he’s lying?

Does he still need to keep me out of his problems even when I’m practically living with him? Or is there another reason he doesn’t want me knowing he was on the phone with a woman?

I’m such an idiot. What did I expect?

He can have his pick of stunning women who were born and raised in Elysium.

I’m just his latest fixation—the scrawny chauffeur he mistook for a flipping frat boy.

My face must betray my thoughts.

Because he asks, “Reese, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

He stalks over, pulling me to him, cradling me to his chest. “No, you’re not.”

I bite my lip. “Are you—are you sure it’s just tabloid problems?”

I just want the truth.

His gaze bleeds dark-green emerald. “What else could it be, sweetheart? You’ve made me enjoy life these past few weeks so much, it’s easy to forget it isn’t all perfect.”

“I’ve enjoyed it too,” I admit. “But I feel guilty that I’m living it up while Abby’s still locked up and Millie’s scared she’ll never see her mom again.”

“Speaking of Abby, we have to meet with Sutton first thing in the morning. It’s urgent. I just couldn’t get a meeting today.”

I gasp. “Is she talking?”

“She will. I’ve got some intel on Will I think will help her massively. There’s proof the drugs were his. Once Sutton sees the evidence, the rest should fall into place.”

I nod before my brain connects the dots.

“So, if the drugs were his, he’s probably the one who hit my sister?” I say angrily.

“I can’t prove that part, but it makes a lot of sense. I think it’s why he wants Millie too. If he’s got her daughter, Abby might never get the courage to rat him out.”

“Jesus.” All the breath falls out of me. “How did you figure it out?”

His face tightens. “Well. You promise not to get mad?”

“Maybe.” I glance at him cautiously.

“This afternoon?”


“My joyride?”


“...I stalked the dickhead.”

“You—what? Why didn’t you tell me?” Heat rips through me, confusion and disappointment and fear.

“I didn’t want you there. I wasn’t sure how it would go down. I was afraid you’d be all ‘not your problem, Nick.’”

“Because this isn’t your problem, Nick! If you were dead-set on doing something like this, I wish you would’ve involved me.”

“If you’d begged to come along, I would’ve given in. I can’t deny you. Still, it could’ve been dangerous. I didn’t expect the idiot to make it so easy.” He stares at me, his eyes wide and questioning.