The amount of time he spends worrying about us is interesting, considering his inability to keep his own life together.

He may be changing, but he’s still the world’s hottest walking time bomb. It’s like New Nick doesn’t know how to handle his devilish good looks without any sin.

Then again, I’m in no place to guess at what goes on in his head, much less his heart.

My brain is so messed up right now I could scream.

Abby was always who I turned to for advice, the big sister I could count on.

We grew up with the same history.

She went through the system’s spinning knives with me.

She understands.

She knows what it’s like to have nothing and no one in a way most people never will.

Sure, Abby has her own demons to conquer. She may not be perfect, but I thought she was doing better. She always showered love on Millie, and I didn’t realize how much work love is until I’ve had to do it every day.

And I’m still thanking my lucky stars I had my load lightened so I can hold on to a shred of normalcy.

If my smirking, bewildering, and yes—drop-dead sexy—split personality grump of a boss hadn’t come through for me, I’d be struggling, and I earn a nice income.

Now I understand even more why Abby always needed help financially.

But we’ve always been there for each other.

If I don’t free her, I’m letting her down, and I’m the only hope she has.

Not to mention the idea of her missing so much of Millie’s life. It makes me sick, and so does the thought of Millie starting to forget her own mom.

A random woman sits down on the bench beside me. She stares at me for a second too long. I don’t meet her eyes. She probably thinks I’m too young to be at the park with a kid Millie’s age.

Whatever, it’s none of her business.

When I look up, a kid comes running across the park, an older boy who looks like he’s six or seven. He about to plow dead into Millie and he doesn’t see her.

“Millie!” I bolt up, beckoning her with my hands. “Move over!”

For once, she listens, giggling the whole time. She runs at me on her stubby legs just as the boy goes blasting by the spot where she stood a second ago.

Close call. Concussion by a quick moving monster-kid narrowly averted.

God. I’m going to go grey by twenty-five if this keeps up.

She runs up to me and hugs my leg.

I lean forward and kiss her on the head. “Go play, but stay where I can see you.”

“O-kay.” And she’s off again.

Yep. Parenting isn’t for the faint of heart.

My phone pings.

Nick responded.

My heart jumps. What did he say?

I press my back against the bench until it hurts. My nosy bench neighbor glances at me again.

I bet I look like a crazy person, flipping out like a college girl with her first big crush on a dude ten thousand percent out of her league. Sighing, I read his message.

Already forgotten. You were stressed. You’ve heard my mouth misfire a hundred times when the pressure’s on. I’m not curled up in a ball sobbing over any hurt feelings, believe me.

There’s a gif attached of a cannonball bouncing off a man’s rock-hard abs.

I laugh. It’s so Nick.

Equal parts jokester and brooding strongman.

Yeah, I definitely overreacted. It’s not my place to judge him for being rich and irresponsible and trying to do his best. He’s been nothing but helpful. Office playroom and hired nanny aside, without his attorney, there’s no way I could even start to help Abby.

I need to make it up to him with more than a lame apology, but I don’t have the energy right now. My eyes are also glued to Millie, who’s now jumping around a bench, holding out her hands like she wants to take flight.

“You and me both, bumblebee,” I mutter.

“You loved that text,” Nosy Bench Neighbor says. “How’d you get lucky enough to date a comedian?”

Wait. That voice.

I look up. “Oh my God, Paige! I didn’t realize it was you. I’m sorry.”

She smiles, pulling down a pair of oversized shades on her nose.

“No problem. I wanted to see how long it’d take before you noticed.”

“What brings you to a park midday?” I ask.

“I needed some fresh air before my sculpture classes tonight. It’s good for the muse,” she says with a smile.

“How’s your studio doing?”

“I love it. I’m teaching seniors how to sculpt their self-portraits. You know I still stop by the office every now and then just to help Ward and Nick.” She leans over, dropping her voice to a whisper. “They know their new assistant isn’t half as good as me.”

“Ha, you’ve got big heels to fill, lady. She’s not bad, but she just isn’t as quick as you.”

Paige smiles. “It’s my husband and brother-in-law. What would I be if I didn’t offer to take care of them every once in a while?”