I smelled a male Dragao close by, yet his scent was slightly off. It may’ve been that the Scorch season coming quickly altered the air, thickening and adding chemicals that made it difficult to sift through the scents.

Although he was too close to my territory, and I should have hunted him down, my mate and her priorities came first. That meant getting our den prepared for when I brought her here.

I’d deal with the male if I scented him coming any closer.

I wanted no other male near my female. I didn’t even want the scent of him in the air that my mate would breathe in.

I cleared the mouth of my den and stepped farther inside, walking along the carved-out tunnel that led to the center. The inky-black stalactites and stalagmites were built up on either side of the pathway I’d created, and as I made my way closer to the center of my home, I scented the fresh water of my grotto. My mate would enjoy soaking in the pool, I mused. I’d take much pleasure in bathing with her, in washing her thoroughly.

I growled low at the images those thoughts conjured.

The tunnel ended and opened up to my main dwelling. My pallet of furs was situated on a large stony outcropping to my right. The pallet was big enough to sleep three fully grown male Dragao, and I imagined holding my mate nightly on those furs, her tiny body pressed to mine, the fall of her long, dark hair brushing my scaled chest.

My body hummed with pleasure.

I scanned the rest of my dwelling, the firepit to the left, the coals still brightly lit with orange embers. The grotto for the bathing chamber was right in front of me, a carved-out opening, the sound of dripping water falling into that pool echoing softly.

I’d been gathering supplies for my mate, enough that we could stay in the den for many turns of the suns, enjoying the pleasures of our bodies until I made her pregnant with my young.

I ran a hand over my face, my claw-tipped fingers shaking as I pictured her belly swollen with my babe.

She’d fight me at first; I knew this. She’d be afraid of me, of my appearance, I was sure. For although I was similar enough in form to her human counterparts, I was built with subtle differences from the human males she was accustomed to seeing. But I could please her and make her happy. I knew that with certainty.

She was the light to my darkness and loneliness. And until she realized that, until I was sure she wouldn’t run from me, I’d just have to keep her in our den.



I just wanted to bathe and sleep… for the next several turns of the suns if I could.

I stood in line to get my tokens, Tilly behind me as she chatted happily with Dana, another female laborer. I stared down at my hands, the blisters on my palms sore, some of them open and bloody.

When we’d entered the Pit, we turned in what we’d harvested, collected the receipt, and now waited to turn in said receipt to gather our tokens. Today I’d earned five, and I only needed two extra for a hot bath. I’d still have plenty for a warm meal. So all in all, today hadn’t been as crappy as it felt. I wouldn’t go to bed dirty and hungry, so there was at least that.

I closed my eyes and exhaled. A gentle nudge from behind had me opening my eyes and moving a step forward as the line progressed.

The conversation in the tunnel was loud and echoing, the normally chilled, damp air feeling stifling this time of day as everyone crammed into the main corridor to collect their daily earnings.

“Listen, if I can earn two extra tokens by letting Bryce have a little side piece,” Dana said to Tilly, “I have no problem bending over and letting him get a little.”

I could practically see her shrugging in her indifference, her tone telling me she did what she had to. We all did in order to survive. And even if that was one thing I refused to do, I didn’t fault anyone else who traded sex for tokens or food.

“Bryce is such an asshole though,” Tilly said with disgust in her voice. “He’s always trying to get a piece of ass from all the women.”

“And he’s had enough ass given to him that he’s arrogant.” Dana dropped her voice to a whisper, yet I still heard her words clearly. “And his dick is small, so I’m pretty sure he acts like that to compensate for lacking in that area.”

Tilly snorted but didn’t deny it.

I tuned them out as I stared straight ahead, the scent of sweat, dirt, and unwashed bodies something I’d grown used to in all the years I’d been living in the settlement. I looked to my left down the long tunnel that would lead to the bathing chamber. I could practically smell the fresh water and almost feel the warmth soothing my aching muscles.