Nothing was forced, my emotions as real as the large dragon-shifting male in front of me. I was here of my own free will, and it felt incredible.

The gentle feel of Azar’s finger under my chin, lifting my head up, had me looking into his dark eyes. I knew he wanted me to tell him what was on my mind, wanted me to be open and truthful with him. But I was afraid of so many things, things I could not change.

“I was worried about you. Fearful.” My gaze flickered across some of the scratches that were on his upper chest and a couple on his neck. Although there was a lot of blood, the majority of it didn’t appear like it was his. I looked back up into his eyes. “So many injuries,” I murmured.

“It’s nothing. He was a threat to you. I’d take any pain, suffer any wounds, even give up my very life if it means you’re safe. I’ll take down anything that thinks of coming close to you.”

I gasped at the intensity of his words.

I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing at all. I licked my lips and glanced toward the fire, toward the basket that was just a few feet from the flames. “I should clean your wounds.” I looked back at him and told myself to take a step away, to not be pressed so closely to him, because it was short-circuiting my brain.

But I couldn’t move, the feel of his warm chest, that he was here alive and relatively safe, keeping me rooted to the spot. “Do you have rags, more fresh water?” This burning need in me to tend to his wounds, to take care of him like he’d been taking care of me, was fierce and strong.

“You wish to tend to me?” He sounded so shocked at the idea.

I nodded, unable to stop the small smile that covered my face. He returned the gesture, and it changed his face completely, took away the hard edges and fierce demeanor that came naturally to him.

He exhaled as if in relief, as if so very grateful. Did my offer truly mean so much to him? The idea that it did had warmth blooming in my chest.

“Come,” he said softly and slipped his bigger hand into mine, gently pulling me along so I was forced to follow him.

The walk was fast as we made our way through the center of the cave and down a short tunnel. I heard the sound of trickling water before the cavern opened up. The grotto was to the left, the pool fed by a small stream that came from the corner of the rocky wall. The scent of freshness could have had me moaning with anticipation. I could also see steam rising from the pool and felt my eyes widen.

It was a hot spring. I didn’t hide my moan then.

I was very aware of Azar tightening his hand on mine.

I cleared my throat and focused on what needed to be done. “Let’s get your wounds cleaned up.” I gestured to the grotto, figuring it would be easier for him to just get in instead of me dipping a cloth in the water over and over again as I hung over the side to reach him.

He made a sound of frustration or maybe disappointment, and I couldn’t hide my amusement at that. “Go on now. Get in.”

I spotted another woven basket and walked to the small outcropping off to the side where it sat. Inside were strips of hides. I grabbed one of them, the material soft and smooth between my fingers.

I turned back and focused on Azar. I wasn’t surprised to see him watching me.

“Was that another dragon?” I asked as I walked back to him. Of course the question seemed stupid because it obviously had been. So I tacked on, “I just mean because it was different than you. It looked different.” Maybe none of them had the same coloring. Maybe they were like humans in that regard.

I lowered myself to the edge of the grotto, my feet tucked under me. I couldn’t lie and say it wouldn’t have been fantastic to get in the water. But the way Azar was currently looking at me, his gaze heated and hungry, and the way I was feeling—exactly the same way—it probably wasn’t a good idea.

But I wanted to. I really wanted to.

Azar had his gaze trained across the cavern, clearly deep in thought. I wondered if he’d answer me. It was clear he was still very much upset, the aggressive and territorial heat pouring off him so much that I felt beads of sweat line the length of my spine because of it. He seemed like he was barely reining in his control right now.

To distract myself from my thoughts, and to give him time to mull over whatever was churning in his mind, I dipped the hide into the water and brought it up to gently smooth it over the strong, wide expanse of his back. His muscles clenched from the small act, his body tightening. He slowly looked at me, his eyelids drooping, his lips parting as a harsh exhale left him.