It looked like it was a fight to the death. I could see it, feel the violence as I watched Azar and this interloper battling in the sky. I knew which dragon was mine, even if the darkness was a stifling cloak around everyone and everything. Whereas Azar’s scales were made up of an array of colors like the rising suns, the stranger was completely black, its scales so dark they almost glowed.

I knew the moment Azar saw me standing at the entrance of the cave. His massive head whipped in my direction, his big onyx eyes trained right on me. The dark dragon looked at me and gave a battle cry. Azar turned his attention to the other dragon once more, tipped his head back, and roared. The other dragon slammed his big body against Azar, both of them flying through the air.

I covered my mouth to hide the cry that tried to come out. Gods, I was so worried about my dragon. I couldn’t see if Azar was terribly harmed, the night too dark, their bodies too fast as they collided with each other over and over again. With one deafening roar, Azar positioned himself so his hind and forelegs were outstretched, his deadly claws aimed right at the other dragon.

Even from this distance and height, I could see the moment Azar’s claws dug into the other dragon's chest, tearing flesh as they started falling through the air toward the ground. I could practically smell the scent of blood, could feel the warmth of it spraying across my face. I was so startled I gasped and stumbled backward, blindly reaching out for purchase so I didn’t fall.

There was another soul-searing roar from both dragons, and then the other beast changed direction and started flying away. I breathed out in stark relief, watching as Azar stayed in the air, his giant wings keeping him high in the sky, his focus on the retreating trespasser. I couldn’t believe I’d watched that, the fear thick in my throat, a stone in my stomach. And then in the blink of an eye, Azar was making his way toward me, his claws digging into the mountainside as he landed and balanced himself.

He was breathing heavily, the great width of his chest rising and falling from exertion. I could feel the battle rage coming from him, felt his heat spearing right into me. I stumbled back farther into the cave before stopping and watching as he took a step forward. I was so aroused I felt ashamed. Azar was in that great beast, both staring at me.

Both wanting me.

I blinked fiercely and focused on the fact that he was littered with cuts, covered in blood. And then he was moving forward. Right before my eyes, he once again shifted back into his human form before he entered the cave.

I took in the sight of him, how he was so big and strong, yet he was hiding his pain and injuries from me. It was in the tightness of his eyes and the clenching of his jaw.

“You’re injured,” I said in horror as I looked at the deep gouges that marred his chest and arms. Bright red blood made a slow trail down his golden skin, and a wave of distress filled me at the sight.

“It’s nothing. Nothing to cause my mate the fear I see in your eyes.” His words were low, gentle. His focus was on me—always, I realized. His dark brows were pulled low as he murmured, “As long as I have you with me, I’m fine. I’m perfect. My life has been well-lived.” His expression was hard and unyielding, and when he lifted his hand to brush his thumb across my cheek, I was startled by the gentleness after what I’d just seen, after what I now realized he was capable of. “I told you to stay in the cave. You could have been harmed.” There was no anger in his voice, just concern. “I couldn’t concentrate for fear that you’d get hurt.”

I exhaled roughly, hating that my presence had distracted him, that I could have caused him to get even more injured. I shouldn't have followed him out there, but I was glad I had. I was glad I’d seen how powerful Azar was. I had just been a spectator to the violence and aggression between two dragons fighting for territory. I’d been a spectator as I watched Azar protect me.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered genuinely. I looked down at my bare feet, my toes filthy from the red dirt that covered the cavern floor. I was so confused, my thoughts jumbled with all the emotions and thoughts that ran through my mind. Although logically I knew feeling this connected to another soul didn’t seem reasonable or realistic, especially not this soon, I also couldn’t lie and say this didn’t feel like the one thing I’d been missing in my life.