Oh, and he was extremely aroused, and the longer I looked, the harder and bigger he became until that thick piece of flesh was pointing right at me… until I felt my eyes widen because a drop of clear fluid lined the tip.

My throat was so tight I couldn’t swallow. I was… aroused.

His hands were clenching and relaxing at either side of his body, and the motion drew my attention. A spike of unease moved through me as I saw he didn’t have nails but claws. Sharp, deadly black ones. Albeit smaller so they fit his hands, they were the same as what the dragon had.

So yeah… he was human, but then again, he wasn’t.

I snapped my focus back up to his face, staring into that inky darkness. He didn’t have pupils or irises. There was no white, just these dark orbs that looked a little sinister, a little evil. But deep down I knew he wasn’t. I didn’t know how or why I felt that with such certainty, but that reality slammed into me over and over again until it was my truth. I felt my eyes widen once more before turning my head to the side, staring at the cavern, trying to look anywhere else but at him.

He started purring—the same way the dragon had. “Look at me all you want, my female.”

My head snapped back in his direction. I felt shock cover my face—but then again, what was new? I was pretty sure that had been my expression since this whole ordeal started. And as we did this kind of stare off, this wave of heat slammed into me when I really absorbed his words.

My female?

“I like your eyes on me.”

My mouth dropped open at the sound of his utterly deep voice. He didn’t pronounce words like I did, like anyone in the Pit did. The inclination and tone of the words were thick, serrated. Accented. They shouldn’t have turned me on, but they did. So much.

I didn’t know what I expected, maybe for him to pounce on me, to tear off my clothes and spread my thighs so he could have his way with me. Although I certainly didn’t get that vibe from him, and there weren't any warning bells going off in my head, I was still hesitant as I moved back and kept going until the rocky cavern wall stopped my retreat.

“You can understand me?” I whispered. “You speak my language?”

He looked at me for long moments, then inhaled slowly. The way his shoulders tensed and how the muscles flexed under that tan—very hard—flesh gave me the impression he didn’t like that I was moving away. Well, tough shit if he didn’t like it. With that monster he was sporting between his thighs, and the fact that it was pointing right at me like a damn compass, I wasn't about to move closer to him. That was for damn sure.

And though common sense and survival were strong in me, my body didn’t feel like my own, hadn’t since the dragon made its presence known. Heat licked over my body and settled right between my thighs until a flush of wetness left me. I clenched my legs together, but that made the pressure worse, the desire heightening.

And from the way his nostrils flared, that deep sound coming from him once again, stronger than before, I was pretty sure he could smell my arousal. My face felt flaming hot at that knowledge, but there was no controlling it, my body working on its own.

“You speak my language, mate.”

For a second I was confused what he was talking about, my mind a muddled mush of the things he could do to me with all that male flesh. But then I blinked back to reality and realized he was responding to my previous question. And then his words sifted through my head until the one that seemed most important stood out.


Nope. I wasn’t even about to dissect what that word meant to him.

He placed a hand on the center of that strong, wide chest. “I am called Azar of the Dragao.”

I let his name roll around in my head, but I said nothing. I was afraid to speak, unsure of what to say, even if the most logical thing was to give him my name in return.

After a long second of just watching me, he turned away and headed toward a small alcove that had a firepit in the center. I took that time to look around the cavern, noticing a small hole above where the fire was—an area that the smoke could filter out, I assumed. To my left was a very clear sleeping pallet, thick animal furs and hides spread out big enough to fit his large body.

My heart started beating faster as adrenaline rushed through my veins at the image of him lying completely naked in the center of that pallet, that monster cock of his standing straight up as he gripped himself, as he stroked himself.