“I’m just relieved I won’t have to separate y’all from now on,” she teases.

We finally escape the B&B without anyone else stopping us, and I breathe out in relief. I love my family, but they can be a bit much when they’re excited about something.

“Any guesses how my mom’s gonna react when we tell her?”

I grin at how suspicious she was of us. “She’ll definitely call us out.”

“Oh yeah, for sure.” He takes my hand and leads me to the passenger door. “And I’ll tell her she was right…my feelings for you were always more than just platonic. I just had to wait for ya to come around.”

“And I’ll tell her if her son hadn’t forgotten our night together, this wouldn’t have gone on so long,” I counter as he cages me against the truck. That anger I felt when I thought he’d cheated would’ve dissipated as soon as he explained, and I probably would’ve forgiven him right away.

“Correction: I didn’t forget that our night happened. I just didn’t remember that the girl was you. There’s a difference.”

“Oh yeah, that’s so much better.” I snort, rolling my eyes.

Grayson cups my face and brings his lips to mine. “Just admit that you liked our little war and labeling me as your enemy. It made you burning hot. You’re a little masochist.”

“I am not!” I playfully smack his chest. “You just got on my damn nerves.”

He chuckles, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “And I’m sure I still will.”

We get in his truck, and I ask him to take me home so I can change clothes. My parents are still at the B&B so we’ll have the house to ourselves.

“Wanna come to my room?” I taunt when we arrive, waggling my brows.

“Hell yes I do, but what if your folks come back and catch us?”

“Guess that’s a risk you’ll have to take…you in or not, Cowboy?” I walk toward the stairs, looking at him over my shoulder.

Even though we just spent the entire night together, I can’t get enough of him. Now that I know what it’s like to be with Grayson, I don’t want to stop.

“Fuck it. You win again.” He rushes toward me, and I scream as I run upstairs. “Better keep it down, baby.” Grayson catches me in my room and kicks the door shut before pinning me against it. “Think you can do that?”

“No.” I smirk. “But I’m willing to try.”

Chapter Twenty


It’s a perfect October day for a Harvest Festival. Kenzie was worried about the weather, but it’s in the low sixties with a brisk breeze.

I’ve spent the past week helping her set things up at the school in the parking lot and playground. Since it’s a huge charity event, the teachers and local businesses sponsor booths that they decorate in different themes. Some people get really into it and go all out and use Halloween movies as inspiration.

The community comes together to give the kids a safe space to trick-or-treat with a ton of activities for them to do. The best part is all the money that’s raised will go toward scholarships and school supplies.

“Babe, you ready?” Kenzie asks from the other side of the stable. She’s dressed like the sexiest Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz that I’ve ever seen. I’m tempted to peel that blue dress off her body, but I know we don’t have time for that.

“Almost.” I grin, then hang the lead rope in the tack room. I turn around to glance at my girl in pigtails.

“What?” Lifting a brow, she flashes a devilish smirk.

I remove the space between us, and she captures my lips. “You’re hot as hell,” I whisper, deepening the kiss.

It’s easy to get lost with her like this, and as if she reads my mind, she pulls away. “We can’t be late.”

“I know, I know. I told Diesel I’d stop by and check on things before I left.”

She smiles. “It’s not a biggie, but we gotta go.”

“Can you snap your heels together three times and make my dirtiest fantasies come true?” I tease, then stack a few buckets on top of each other. When I’m done, I open the gate and walk toward the front of the barn where we’re parked. Kenzie grabs my hand, and I lift her knuckles to my lips.

“Maybe.” She bites down on her bottom lip that I want between my lips.

“If only we had more time…” I wink.

“Trust me, Cowboy. I know,” she tells me as I open the door to my truck. Kenzie jumps in the seat and turns to me. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I hold her as she wraps her legs around me.

“Don’t be a tease,” I say.

“I’d never.” She slides her lips across mine, then puts her pointer finger in her mouth.

She’s always loved teasing the hell outta me, and that hasn’t changed. Running my hand up the inside of her thigh, I slip a finger inside her panties. She’s soaked.