“I bet y’all had a blast growing up here, though.” I grab two wineglasses, fill them, and hand her one.

“Thanks. And it was. Truthfully, I can’t imagine bein’ raised in the city. Or living anywhere else, actually.”

“It’s a contrast from San Antonio. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough, and once I landed here, I knew this was the place for me,” I admit. “Though my mother wishes I’d move back, I can’t imagine ever leaving.”

“Your mom misses you, that much I could tell.” She takes a sip of her drink and gives me a sad smile.

“I know, and I do plan on making more of an effort to see them. I’d love to show them around here too, so I might invite them out soon,” I tell her. They’d immediately fall in love with the Bishops just like I did.

“You know my parents will set them up in the best room here, so just set the date.” She grins, peeking in the basket. “What else do you have in here?”

“Shrimp po’boys in toasted Brioche rolls and fruit salad.”

Her jaw drops as she eyes the container. “I love shrimp po’boys!”

“I know, you mentioned it a while ago, and I never forgot.”

“Oh wow. You’re spoiling me already?” She arches an amused brow as I hand her a plate full of food.

“Just showin’ ya what you’ve been missing out on.” I flash her a wink.

She groans, giving me an evil eye. “Don’t gloat. I know I messed up making assumptions, but I wasn’t gonna ask after you forgot our entire night together. So, it’s only partially my fault.”

I hold back laughter as she sulks. “Alright, I’ll take half the blame. Deal?”

Kenzie snickers, then takes a big bite of her sandwich. “Mm…now that I’ve tasted this, I’d agree to almost anything,” she states after she chews.

I arch a brow, stabbing a piece of fruit. “Anything, huh?”

“Yep.” She moans loudly as she chews. “Please tell me you have like five more of these?”

“Maize made a whole bunch actually. I came up with the menu, and she agreed to cook.”

“She never fails, I swear.” Kenzie shakes her head.

We continue chatting as we devour the best shrimp po’boys I’ve ever had. Even the fruit salad is top-notch. By the time we finish eating, our glasses are empty, and I refill them.

“Watching the sunset out here never gets old,” she says as the sun disappears behind the hills.

“I agree.”

“It’s one of the reasons I’m still living at my parents'. Though they love me being at home, I feel like I’m gettin’ a little too old to still be there. I want my own space, but until I can afford to build, I’ll be stuck.”

“What about those prefab or modular homes? They have lots of options nowadays, and it’s cheaper and faster,” I suggest.

“Hmm…I never thought of that. But that’d probably be ideal, especially since I want to become a foster parent soon. I’ve already gone to the informational orientation, but it can take three to six months to be approved.”

“Really? I had no clue you wanted to do that. I love that idea, though.”

“Yeah, I really want to foster to adopt, but I’m not sure I’d be approved if I live with my parents. They do home inspections, and the child would need their own room. Right now, my mom’s using Maize’s old room for the twin’s playroom. And I don’t want to make them rearrange their house for me, so it’d just be easier to move.”

I think for a quick moment before blurting out my idea. “Use my address. It’s a two-bedroom, and I was thinking about fixing it up soon anyway.”

“Wait, what?” Her lips part as she looks at me unexpectedly.

“After some fresh paint and new carpet, it’d look pretty good. I was even gonna check out some new appliances. Once it’s redone, it’d be perfect for you and a child to live in.”

“Grayson, I can’t just take your home.” She shakes her head. “Where would you go?”

“Could probably crash with Luke or Payton. Well, maybe not Luke now that he’s banging Lacey every damn night.” We both laugh. “Payton wouldn’t mind, I’m sure.”

“I appreciate the offer, but I couldn’t. If I can’t afford to buy, I’ll just wait to apply until I can.”

I set down my glass and move closer, grabbing her hand. “Mackenzie.” She looks in my eyes as I stare at her. “Let me do this for you. I feel like I owe you after all the pranks and everything.”

“That went both ways,” she retorts.

I shrug, not giving a shit about technicalities. “Please. I want to make a home for you.”

“You’d do all that for me? Just so I can foster a child?”

“I’d do anything for you, Kenzie. I’ve had feelings for you for so long. I just want to see you happy, even if we only ever stayed friends. This gesture comes with zero expectations from you.” I run my finger along her cheek and capture a piece of her hair before placing it behind her ear. “So, whaddya say?”