“Good night,” I respond and wonder what would’ve happened had my phone not interrupted us. She would’ve either let me kiss her or punched me in the face.

Perhaps it’s best I didn’t because the last thing I need is to show up tomorrow with a black eye.

Chapter Thirteen


I’ve been a nervous wreck since my alarm went off this morning. The damn sex dream I had about Grayson doesn’t help. Each time our eyes meet, it’s all I can think about.

I bite the inside of my cheek as I push the images away.

“Almost ready?” Grayson asks with a smirk as he looks at me from head to toe.

I narrow my eyes at him, smacking my red lips. “Is there something wrong?”

“Nothing. Just seems like something you’d wear in a wet dream.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I counter, grabbing my crossbody and stuffing my phone inside. I’m wearing a cardigan with a white button-up shirt and black slacks. It’s literally something I wear to school and very G-rated.

“If your hair was in a bun and you were wearing some black-rimmed glasses…”

“Oh God. Not the naughty librarian fantasy,” I groan as we take the elevator down.

“Why not?” He shrugs as we hop in his truck. “Something about makin’ a good girl…bad.” His words have my entire body on fire.

“Ahh, typical,” I offer while I stare out the window and replay the dream I had.

Grayson’s sexy as hell, and I’ve never thought otherwise, but due to our complicated past, I’ve tried to stay away. However, right at this moment, I feel more comfortable with him than I ever have. We can laugh and make jokes, and I honestly don’t mind his company when he’s not trying to drive me crazy. After years of riding each other’s asses and pulling random pranks, it’s a nice but foreign feeling.

“Did you hear me?”

“No, sorry.” I look at him.

“What did you dream about last night?” He raises his brows.

“I said something, didn’t I?” I’m absolutely mortified at the thought of him hearing me talk in a sex dream.

Grayson looks like he’s about to burst out laughing. “Maybe.”

“Tell me.” I hide my face with embarrassment.

After he parks his truck across from the park, he turns toward me. His gaze pulls me in, and I find myself lost in his brown eyes.

“I have a video, actually.” He flashes an evil grin, and I study his lips.

I’m reminded of last night when I was staring at his mouth and imagining what it’d be like if he kissed me. Then I think back on our conversation and realize I forgot to ask if his brother would be here today.

“Just kill me.” I lean my head back against the seat as Grayson reaches for his phone.

He takes his sweet time scrolling. I check the time and realize he’s stalling. In the distance, I see a large group of people under a covered pavilion. An older guy is putting food on a barbecue pit.

“Ahh, here it is,” he says, showing me his pitch-black phone.

“Grayson…” I hear my voice moan in a strained tone.

I reach out to grab it, but he snatches it away, so I change my tactics and pretend I’m unbothered. “Guess you were on my mind because you were sleeping right next to me.”

He arches a brow. “Or…you were dreamin’ dirty things about me.”

“And what if I was?” I taunt. “Or maybe I was pranking you to get your reaction?”

“Nah. You’re not that clever.”

“No?” I cross my arms with a grin, so he’ll second-guess himself. “Whatever you say, Cowboy.”

Laughter escapes him. “Well damn, now I don’t know what to believe. But I kinda like sexy pranks.”

I’m sweating bullets, hoping he buys it.

He glances out the windshield and releases a deep breath. “Guess we should get goin’, huh.”

I nod, knowing this is gonna be difficult for him. All teasing aside, I’m happy to be here with him.

As we walk across the plush grass, I lean in closer. “What’s the real reason you asked me to come with you?”

“Well, the ranch has become my home. It’s everything to me. And when I think about Circle B, you always come to mind. So, I thought bringin’ ya with me would kinda be like having a little bit of home with me too. ’Cause when I’m there, I can do anything, and I’m not scared of shit. But this…” He looks forward as more people arrive.

My heart melts when he meets my eyes, and damn if the butterflies don’t return.

“You can do this. It took courage to be here because you could’ve easily skipped.” I give him a reassuring smile just as a woman walks up and greets us.

“Grayson, sweetie!”

Immediately, she pulls him into a hug and then does the same to me before he can introduce me. When she steps back, I notice their similarities. They have the same bright smile and kind eyes.