I let his words sink in and wonder if it’s true. Kenzie has always been the independent, take no shit with a no fucks given attitude, type of woman. It’s why I’ve always been attracted to her. She can take it and give it just as good. A vast difference from my ex-fiancée, who only took advantage of every kind thing I did for her. It’s partly why I haven’t had a serious relationship since then—that, and because I’ve been infatuated with Kenzie since the day I met her.

After work, I go home and shower. I fist my cock as the water streams down my back and imagine how Kenzie would look on her knees between my legs. Her thick blond hair in a knot on top of her head, her bright blue eyes staring into mine, and her perky tits bouncing as she eagerly sucks me off. It’d take me only minutes to explode in her hot mouth, and then I’d bend her over and fuck her senseless.

At that image, my balls tighten, and my cock stiffens as I explode. I suck in a ragged breath as I whisper her name, picturing her licking every drop.

Hopefully one day, this won’t just be in my imagination.

Chapter Eleven


I feel like I’m living in the twilight zone. It’s a weird reality where Grayson and I are somewhat getting along.

Honestly, I never thought I’d agree to anything he asked, but there’s something in it for me too. Now, I don’t have to look over my shoulder every second waiting for him to pay me back. After his family’s reunion, we’ll be even, for good.

Though he seems to have no idea why I’ve hated him. The anger of what he did will always be there. I’ve just agreed not to act on it any longer. Which has been easier said than done.

The first couple of days were weird, but after seeing everyone’s reaction, it’s become a game of who we can freak out the most by being nice to each other.

The sun beams through my blinds and that combined with my internal clock, means I’m up by six thirty on a Saturday. Feeling nervous about being alone with Grayson today didn’t help me sleep in either.

When I’m not actively avoiding him and reminding myself when I loathe him so much, it’s not hard to notice the way my body reacts when he’s near. Which, of course, I hate admitting.

Thankfully, getting up early gives me time to put up my guard so I don’t succumb to his natural charm. No doubt he’ll put it on thick, per usual.

“Where are you off to already?” Mom asks when I walk into the kitchen.

“School,” I reply, grabbing my tumbler to fill with coffee. “Gettin’ a head start on planning the Halloween Harvest Festival.”

“Oh, do you want some help today?”

“No, it’s fine. I’m just writing out a detailed list of what I need and figuring out where it should all go. The hard part comes later.” I grab my cup, then kiss her goodbye.

“See ya later.”

“Bye, sweetheart. Stop by the B&B after.”

“Will do.” I smile, then head out the door.

I’m arriving earlier than Grayson, but it’ll give me time to check my email and organize my desk. I have a journal filled with ideas and drawings for the festival as well as businesses and vendors to contact. We’ll need several sponsors and volunteers to help make sure it runs smoothly

Once I walk into my classroom, I flip on the lights and go to my desk. It’s not messy but needs some tidying. Fridays are always chaotic after school, and my mind’s usually set on going home.

I chug my coffee, begging the caffeine to spark life into my blood when my phone goes off.

Grayson: Almost there! Wanted to shower after being in the pastures, so I ran home real quick.

Kenzie: No problem. I’m in my class, room 104.

Though I give him a lot of shit, I appreciate him cutting into his workday to help me. I’ll need a lot from him, especially with getting the other ranch hands on board, but since we’re doing this “friendship” thing, I figure this is a good start. The more time we spend together, the more comfortable I’ll be with him next weekend.


My head pops up at Grayson’s deep voice. He’s wearing black jeans and a white T-shirt. So simple yet attractive as hell.

“Hey,” I reply, swallowing my nerves. “You made it.”

“Yeah, sorry I’m late.”

“No worries. Just wrapped up in here anyway.” I turn off my computer and stand behind my desk. “But since you’re in here, might as well give you a mini tour.”

“Your classroom is cute. Love the ABC wall,” he says as I walk between the little tables and chairs.

I chuckle. “First grade is fun. The kids are hungry for knowledge and love learning their alphabet and numbers.”